Total duration of work (bq22)
File: Child
Type: Discrete
Format: numeric
Width: 8
Decimals: 0
Range: 1-5
Invalid: 98, 99
Valid cases: 6637
Invalid: 10397
Questions and instructions
children 5-17
Literal question
If 'Yes' in B2.1, what was the total duration of work in all economic activities in which you were engaged?
1 Less than 1 month 343 5.2%
2 1-3 months 1735 26.1%
3 4-6 months 1917 28.9%
4 7-9 months 768 11.6%
5 10-12 months 1874 28.2%
98 Missing response 159
99 Not applicable 10238
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.