Material of the walls of the house ? (g2)
File: Household
Type: Discrete
Format: numeric
Width: 8
Decimals: 0
Range: 1-8
Valid cases: 14505 (3020788.3)
Invalid: 6 (922.3)
Household ammenities
Questions and instructions
All households included in the survey.
Literal question
G.2 What is the material of the walls of the house ?
1 Mud/Mud bricks 8277 1743076 57.7%
2 Stone 8 1770 0.1%
3 Burnt bricks 101 28242 0.9%
4 Cement/ Sandcrete 5898 1205546 39.9%
5 Wood/Bamboo 160 31017 1.0%
6 Iron sheets 49 8881 0.3%
7 Cardboard 6 1198 0.0%
8 Other 6 1059 0.0%
Sysmiss 6 922
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.