Can you afford medical care (doctor/dentist) and medications on a regular, as needed basis ? (h6)
File: Household
Type: Discrete
Format: numeric
Width: 8
Decimals: 0
Range: 1-2
Valid cases: 14503 (3020376.1)
Invalid: 8 (1334.5)
Poverty indicators
Questions and instructions
All households included in the survey
Literal question
H.6 Can you afford medical care (doctor/ dentist) and medications on a regular, as needed basis ?
1 Yes 6611 1382372 45.8%
2 No 7892 1638004 54.2%
Sysmiss 8 1335
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.