File: Y11C-durable goods
Type: Continuous
Format: numeric
Width: 8
Decimals: 0
Range: 201-217
Valid cases: 3866 (3925.8)
Invalid: 1 (1.1)
Minimum: 201
Maximum: 217
201 Sewing machines 845 859 21.9%
202 Gas or other full-sized stoves 241 241 6.2%
203 Refridgerators or freexers 191 190 4.8%
204 Air conditioners 6 6 0.1%
205 Fans 322 324 8.3%
206 Radios 739 759 19.3%
207 Radio/cassette players 590 599 15.3%
208 Phonographs 32 32 0.8%
209 Stereo equipment 95 96 2.4%
210 Video equipment 33 32 0.8%
211 Washing machine 3 3 0.1%
212 Black and white TV sets 176 177 4.5%
213 Colour TV sets 35 33 0.8%
214 Bicycles 372 386 9.8%
215 Motor bikes 22 23 0.6%
216 Cars, other vehicles 71 71 1.8%
217 Cameras 93 94 2.4%
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.