Ghana - Study on Global Ageing and Adult Health 2007-2008, Wave 1
Reference ID | GHA_2007_SAGE_v01_M |
Year | 2007 - 2008 |
Country | Ghana |
Producer(s) | Professor R. Biritwum - Department of Community Health, Ghana Medical School |
Sponsor(s) | US National Institute on Aging - NIA - Financial support through Interagency Agreements (OGHA 04034785; YA1323-08-CN-0020; Y1-AG-1005-01) and Grants (R01-AG034479; IR21-AG034263-0182) |
Created on
Feb 13, 2013
Last modified
Dec 05, 2013
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Data Description
Data File: GhanaINDData
Cases | 0 |
Variable(s) | 1680 |
Name | Label | Question | |
id | Individual Case ID 1st wave | ||
id2ndwave | Individual Case ID 2nd wave | ||
q0001 | Q0001: Research Center Number | Research Centre Number | |
q0002 | Q0002: Household ID number | Household ID | |
q0003 | Q0003: Type of interview (new, f/u, retest, proxy, validatio | Is this a new, second (follow-up from WHS), retest or proxy interview? | |
q1007 | Q1007: Respondent Number | Person (HH member) number from HH roster (number from column) | |
q0002a | Q0002a: Household type (18-49, 50+) | Is this a (18-49 years) or (50+ years) household? | |
q0008 | Q0008: Rotation code | Rotation code (Circle One) | |
q0101b | Q0101b: PSU Code | PSU Code: | |
q0104 | Q0104: Urban/Rural | An urban area that has been legally proclaimed as being urban. Such areas include towns, cities and metropolitan areas. 1 = Urban All other areas that are not classified as being urban. This includes commercial farms, small settlements, rural villages and other areas which are further away from towns and cities. 2 = Rural | |
q0403a | Q0403a: Last (sur)name | First name and surname A. Last/surname: | |
q0403b | Q0403b: First (given) name | First name and surname B. First (given) | |
q0404a | Q0404a: Is person still in HH? | Is person still a member of the HH (follow-up interviews only)? 1= Yes; 2 =No; 9=N/A | |
q0404b | Q0404b: WHS Person Number | Person number (from WHS 2003) If new household member, insert "9 8" | |
q0405 | Q0405: Relationship to respondent | What is [NAME]'s relationship to the household head? | |
q0406 | Q0406: Sex | Is [NAME] a male or a female? 1 = Male 2 = Female | |
q0407 | Q0407: Age | How old is he/she? (if less than 1 year old enter "00") | |
q0408 | Q0408: Marital status | What is [NAME]'s marital status? | |
q0409 | Q0409: Highest education level | What is the highest level of education [NAME] completed? | |
q0411 | Q0411: Health insurance | Does [NAME] have health insurance coverage? | |
q0412 | Q0412: Needs care? | Does [NAME] need care due to his/her health condition, such as a long-term physical or mental illness or disability, or because he/she is getting old and weak? | |
q0413 | Q0413: How much care? | How much care does he/she need? | |
q0414 | Q0414: In institution? | Is [NAME] presently in an institution (hospital, after care home, home for the aged, hospice) due to his/her health condition? | |
q0415 | Q0415: Reason for absence | What is the reason for [NAME]'s absence? | |
q0416 | Q0416: Went where? | Where did [NAME] go to? | |
q1000a | Q1000A: Interviewer ID number | Interviewer I.D | |
q1000b | Q1000B: Contact with: | Contact with: | |
q1000c | Q1000C: Result code | Result code | |
q1001 | Q1001: Cognitive limitations | Does the respondent have obvious cognitive limitations that prevent him/her from being interviewed? | |
q1002 | Q1002: Memory at present | How would you best describe your memory at present? Is it very good, good, moderate, bad or very bad? | |
q1003 | Q1003: Memory comparison | Compared to 12 months ago, would you say your memory is now better, the same or worse than it was then? | |
q1004 | Q1004: Interviewer judgment | Interviewer | |
q1005 | Q1005: Proxy | We would like to ask someone who knows the respondent a few questions about the respondent's memory and health. Who is the proxy? | |
s1000_hh_b | S1000: HH begin | ||
s1000_mm_b | S1000: MM begin | ||
s1000_hh_e | S1000: HH end | ||
s1000_mm_e | S1000: MM end | ||
q1006 | Q1006: Household ID number | Household ID | |
q1007a | Q1007: Respondent number | Person (HH member) number from HH roster (number from column) | |
q1008 | Q1008: Mother tongue | What is your mother tongue? By mother tongue, we mean the language you learned first, the language that you can express yourself fully in, or voluntarily identify with. | |
q1008a | Q1008A: Master code for Mother Tongue | ||
q1009 | Q1009: Sex | Interviewer: Record sex of the respondent | |
q1010_dd | Q1010: DD | What day, month and year were you born? DD / MM / YYYY Check birth certificate if available. | |
q1010_mm | Q1010: MM | What day, month and year were you born? DD / MM / YYYY Check birth certificate if available. | |
q1010_yyyy | Q1010: YYYY | What day, month and year were you born? DD / MM / YYYY Check birth certificate if available. | |
q1011 | Q1011: Age in YYYs | How old are you now? | |
q1012 | Q1012: Marital status | What is your current marital status? | |
q1013 | Q1013: Years sep/div/widowed | For how many years have you been separated, divorced or widowed? | |
q1014 | Q1014: Years married/living together | For how many years have you been married or living together? | |
q1015 | Q1015: Ever schooled | Have you ever been to school? | |
q1016 | Q1016: Highest level | What is the highest level of education that you have completed? | |
q1017 | Q1017: Years educated | How many years of school, including higher education have you completed? | |
q1018 | Q1018: Ethnic background/caste/tribe | What is your caste or tribe? | |
q1019 | Q1019: Religion | Do you belong to a religious denomination? | |
q1020 | Q1020: Always here? | Have you always lived in this village/town/city? | |
q1021 | Q1021: How long? | How long have you been living (continuously) in this area? | |
q1022 | Q1022: Where lived before? | Where were you living before? | |
q1023 | Q1023: Where lived most adult life? | Where have you lived for most of your adult life (18+ years)? | |
q1024 | Q1024: Childhood residence? | Where did you live for most of your childhood (before age 10 years)? | |
q1025 | Q1025: Mother ever employed? | Was your mother ever employed? | |
q1026 | Q1026: Mother's employer? | Who is/was your mother's main employer over her working life? | |
q1027 | Q1027: Mother occupation | What is/was her main occupation? | |
q1028 | Q1028: Mother education | What is the highest level of education that she completed? | |
q1029 | Q1029: Father ever employed? | Was your father ever employed? | |
q1030 | Q1030: Father's employer? | Who is/was your father's main employer over his working life? | |
q1031 | Q1031: Father occupation | What is/was his main occupation? INTERVIEWER: write exactly what the respondent says - clarify if you do not understand - write clearly in capital letters | |
q1032 | Q1032: Father education | What is the highest level of education that he completed? | |
q1000cactual | Actual result code | ||
s1500_hh_b | S1500: HH begin | ||
s1500_mm_b | S1500: MM begin | ||
s1500_hh_e | S1500: HH end | ||
s1500_mm_e | S1500: MM end | ||
q1501 | Q1501: Ever worked | As you know, some people take jobs for which they are paid in cash or kind. Other people sell things, have a small business, or work on the family farm or family business. Have you ever in your life done any of these things or any type of work (not including housework)? | |
q1501a | Q1501a: Why not? | What is the main reason that you have never worked? | |
q1502 | Q1502: Age started | At what age did you start working for pay? | |
q1502a | Q1502a: How many years ago start work? | How many years ago did you start working? | |
q1503 | Q1503: Currently working? | Have you worked for at least 2 days during the last 7 days? | |
q1504 | Q1504: Main reason not working? | What is the main reason you are not currently working? | |
q1505a | Q1505a: Years ago stopped work | At what age did you stop working? Q1505a. (only if Q1505 is Don't Know) How many years ago did you stop working? | |
q1506 | Q1506: Looking for work | Are you actively looking for work at this time? | |
q1507 | Q1507: Reason looking | What is the main reason that you would you like to work at present? | |
q1508 | Q1508: Payment type | Are/were you paid in cash or kind for your work or are/were you not paid at all? | |
q1509 | Q1509: Main job - employer | Who is/was your employer in your current/most recent MAIN job? | |
q1510 | Q1510: Main occupation | In the last 12 months, for your main job, what has been your main occupation? | |
q1511 | Q1511: Seasonal work? | Do/did you usually work throughout the year, or do/did you work seasonally, or only once in a while for your main job? | |
q1512 | Q1512: Days worked/week (n) | On average, how many days a week do/did you work in your main job? | |
q1513 | Q1513: HHs (n) | On average, how many hours a day do/did you work in your main job? | |
q1514a | Q1514a: Benefit - pension | In this main job, do/did you receive any of the following benefits in addition to your payment in cash or in kind? a. Retirement or pension | |
q1514b | Q1514b: Benefits - medical | In this main job, do/did you receive any of the following benefits in addition to your payment in cash or in kind? b. Medical services/health care | |
q1514c | Q1514c: Benefits - food | In this main job, do/did you receive any of the following benefits in addition to your payment in cash or in kind? c. Food or provisions | |
q1514d | Q1514d: Benefits - cash | In this main job, do/did you receive any of the following benefits in addition to your payment in cash or in kind? d. Cash bonuses | |
q1514e | Q1514e: Benefits - no benefits | In this main job, do/did you receive any of the following benefits in addition to your payment in cash or in kind? e. No benefits | |
q1514f | Q1514f: Benefits - other | In this main job, do/did you receive any of the following benefits in addition to your payment in cash or in kind? f. Other, specify: | |
q1515 | Q1515: Other job? | Have you worked at more than one job over the last 12 months? | |
s2000_hh_b | S2000: HH begin | ||
s2000_mm_b | S2000: MM begin | ||
s2000_hh_e | S2000: HH end | ||
s2000_mm_e | S2000: MM end | ||
q2000 | Q2000: Health today | In general, how would you rate your health today? | |
q2001 | Q2001: Activities | Overall in the last 30 days, how much difficulty did you have with work or household activities? | |
Total variable(s):
1680 |