Educational level during previous school year (hv126)
Type: Continuous
Format: numeric
Width: 1
Decimals: 0
Range: 0-8
Invalid: 9
Valid cases: 26529 (25367216933)
Invalid: 72 (72503808)
Minimum: 0
Mean: 0.3 (0.3)
Standard deviation: 0.6 (0.6)
Questions and instructions
Literal question
Educational level during previous school year
0 No education, preschool 20759 1.9573982564e+10 77.2%
1 Primary 4236 4.196272504e+09 16.5%
2 Secondary 1470 1538094860 6.1%
3 Higher 64 58867005 0.2%
8 DK 0 0 0.0%
9 9 72 72503808
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.