Ghana - Population and Housing Census 2000
Reference ID | GHA-GSS-PHC-2000-v1.0 |
Year | 2000 |
Country | Ghana |
Producer(s) | Ghana Statistical Service - Office of the President |
Sponsor(s) | Government of Ghana - GoG - 76 per cent of total funding Department for International Development - DFID - Vehicles, Data capture equipment, generator United Nations Fund for Population Activities - UNFPA - Technical assistance, advocacy for do |
Metadata |
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Created on
Nov 21, 2008
Last modified
Mar 14, 2016
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Data Description
Data File: Population
Content | The 2000 Census is a “de facto” count. Each person present in Ghana, irrespective of nationality, was enumerated at the place he or she spent the Census Night, midnight of 26th March 2000. Thus, non-Ghanaians within the territorial land, air and water boundaries were enumerated as part of Ghana's population while Ghanaians outside the boundaries of Ghana were not enumerated. The unit of enumeration in the census is the individual. In addition, individuals not living in group quarters are identified with households. The main modules covered in the 2000 census were: · geographical location and internal migration · demographic and social characteristics · economic characteristics · literacy and education · fertility and mortality. All variables in Population dataset were collected except the URBRUR (urban-rural) variable which was derived from the population of localities. All localities with a population size of 5,000 or more were classified as URBAN, otherwise, it is RURAL. The data has a weight of 1. |
Cases | 189868 |
Variable(s) | 52 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: Line (Line_number), Region (Region), District (District), Base (A05 Enumeration Area Base), EA (Enumeration Area Code), Hsenum (A07 Housing unit of household), Hhnum (A08 Household number) |
Version | Version 1.0 |
Producer | Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) |
Missing Data | For the 2000 Population and Housing Census, missing data was fixed using the Hot-deck imputation technique. N/A -not applicable or skipped variables were left blank. |
Processing Checks | All files have been checked for the following: 1. All variables have been clearly defined and labelled 2. All categories (value labels) have been clearly defined 3. All cases have unique identification (no duplicates) 4. The frequencies of expected respondents checked with the actual section and inconsistencies noted. 5. Skip patterns have been verified 6. Structure edits have been performed Validation Validation of scanned data was an activity to correct structural and inconsistency problems identified in the dataset. The validation groups ran the same three 8-hour shifts as the scanning group. For every household that failed the structural and/or consistency checks, the validators recalled the data and image of the questionnaire and made the necessary corrections. This procedure was repeated until all structural and consistency problems of district/region were eliminated. This was a very slow and tedious process since the images, which were on tapes, had to be mounted. Control Mechanism To keep track of the movement of satchels between the documents room and data processing rooms, a number of control mechanisms were introduced. Two control forms were designed for recording the satchel(s) of each EA that were received from, and returned to, the documents room. Centrack, a module program in IMPS, and a logbook kept in the scanning room, were used to track scanned EAs. These were very helpful in rectifying errors during the movement of questionnaires. Editing Editing of the census data involved correcting errors from the field and those introduced during the capturing process. Both Structural Edits and Within Record Edits were used to clean the census data. a) Structural Edits - Structure edits check coverage and relationships between different units: persons, households, housing units, enumeration areas, etc. Specifically, they checked that: · all households and collective quarters records within an enumeration area were present and were in the proper order; · all occupied housing units have person records, but vacant units have no person records; · households have neither duplicate person records, nor missing person records; · enumeration areas have neither duplicate nor missing housing records. - Each EA have the right geographic codes (region, district, locality, EA number, etc...) - Every housing unit in an EA is entered and every record has a valid EA code The Structural edit looked at the following situations: · Geography edits · Hierarchy of records · Correspondence between housing and population records · Editing relationships in a household · Family nuclei b) Within Record Edits: This consisted of validity checks and consistency edits. · Validity checks: were performed to see if the values of individual variables are plausible or lie with a reasonable range. · Consistency edits were performed to ensure that there is coherence between two or more variables. The Top-down editing approach, which starts by editing top priority variables, (such as age, sex, etc.) and moves sequentially through all variables in decreasing priority was used to edit the census data. The Hot Deck or Dynamic Imputation was also used for both missing data and inconsistent/invalid items. The Census Secretariat carefully developed Editing and Imputation rules with written sets of consistency rules and corrections. These rules were translated into three CONCOR editing applications (Pop-Edit.exe, Hse-Edit.exe and Fertility.exe), which were used to 'clean' the data. This was done at the Regional level. Output Dataset The cleaned dataset has the following characters: Format: ASCII (Text file) & SPSS Record-Types: 1 - House Record 2 - Person Record Length: Fixed, 86 characters There could be as many person records as members in a household. The household identification was appended to each person record. |
Notes | Universe: The Population dataset collected information on de-facto population of Ghana. Thus, each person present in Ghana, irrespective of nationality, was enumerated at the place he or she spent the Census Night, midnight of 26th March 2000. Thus, non-Ghanaians within the territorial land, air and water boundaries were enumerated as part of Ghana's population while Ghanaians outside the boundaries of Ghana were not enumerated. |
Name | Label | Question | |
Reg_dist | Region and District Code | ||
Region | Region | ||
District | District | ||
Base | A05 Enumeration Area Base | ||
EA | Enumeration Area Code | ||
Locality | A06 Locality Code | ||
Hsenum | A07 Housing unit of household | ||
Hhnum | A08 Household number | ||
Urbrur | Urban or Rural code | ||
Tr | A12 Type of residence | ||
Line | Line_number | ||
Rel | P01 Relationship | P01 RELATIONSHIP: What is the relationship of [NAME] to the head of household? | |
Sex | P02 Sex | P02 SEX: What is the sex of (NAME)? | |
Age | P03 Age | P03 AGE: How old is [NAME] in completed years? | |
Age1 | Single age | ||
Age10 | 10-Year Age Groups | ||
Age5 | 5-Year Age Groups | ||
Ageeduc | Ageeduc | ||
Ageecon | Ageecon | ||
Agefert | Agefert | ||
Nation | P04 Nationality | What is [NAME's] Nationality? | |
Ethnic1 | Ethnic1 | P05: ETHNICITY: To which ethnic group does (NAME) belong? | |
Ethnicd | P05 Ethnic_detail | ||
Bornhe | P06a Bornhere | P06a: BORN IN THIS TOWN/VILLAGE: Was (NAME) born in this town or village? | |
Bornout | P06b Bornoutside | P06b BIRTHPLACE OUTSIDE THIS TOWN/VILLAGE: In what region or country was (NAME) born? | |
Resid | P07 Residence | P07 USUAL PLACE OF RESIDENCE: In what district is (NAME's) usual residence? | |
Regcode | Region code | ||
Distcode | District code | ||
Fiveyr | P08 Place of residence five yrs ago | P08 PLACE OF RESIDENCE 5 YEARS AGO (1995): IF (NAME) IS 5 YEARS OR OLDER: In what district was (NAME'S) usual place of residence 5 years ago? | |
Fivereg | Region of reidence five yrs ago | ||
Fivedist | District of residence five yrs ago | ||
Religion | P09 Religion | P09 RELIGION: What is (NAME's) religious affiliation? | |
Marstat | P10 Marital status | P10 MARITAL STATUS: IF (NAME) IS 12 YEARS OR OLDER: What is (NAME's) current marital status? | |
Literacy | P11 Literacy | P11 LITERACY: (ANSWER FOR PERSONS 15 YEARS OR OLDER): In what language can (NAME) read and write? | |
Educ | P12a Ever attended school | P12a FULL TIME EDUCATION: (ANSWER FOR PERSONS 3 YEARS OR OLDER): Has (NAME) ever attended / attending school now? | |
Educle | P12b Educlevel | EDUCATION - IF NOW OR IN THE PAST: What is the highest level of schooling (NAME) attending/attended? | |
Grade | P12c Grade | HIGHEST EDUCATIONAL GRADE: What is the highest grade (NAME) completed at that level? | |
Worked | P13a Worked | P13A Did (NAME) work for pay or profit or family gain? | |
Occupied | P13b Occupied | P13b If NO, how was (NAME) occupied? | |
Dayswk | P13c Days-worked | P13c: How many days did (NAME) work for pay or profit or family gain? | |
Hourswk | P13d Hours-worked | P13d: How many hours did (NAME) work for pay or profit or family gain? | |
Occup | P14 Occupation | P14 What kind of work did (NAME) do? FOR UNEMPLOYED, LAST KIND OF WORK. | |
Occdet | Occ-detailed | ||
Industry | P15 Industry | P15 INDUSTRY: In what kind of industry was (NAME) mainly working? FOR UNEMPLOYED, LAST KIND OF WORK. | |
Empstat | P16 Employment status | P16 EMPLOYMENT STATUS: What was (NAME's) employment status in that establishment/industry? | |
Empsect | P17 Employment sector | P17 EMPLOYMENT SECTOR: In what sector was (NAME) mainly working? | |
Fert | Fertility | ||
Cebboys | P18a Children ever born boys | P18a MALE CHILDREN EVER BORN: How many male children has (NAME) ever born alive? ( Living with you or elsewhere or dead) | |
Cebgirls | P18b Children ever born girls | P18b FEMALE CHILDREN EVER BORN: How many female children has (NAME) ever born alive? ( Living with you or elsewhere or dead) | |
Csmale | P19a Children surviving male | P19a MALE CHILDREN SURVIVING: How many male children ever born alive to (NAME) are still surviving? (Living with you or elsewhere) | |
Csfemale | P19b Children surviving female | P19b FEMALE CHILDREN SURVIVING: How many female children ever born alive to (NAME) are still surviving? (Living with you or elsewhere) | |
Birth12m | P20 Birth in last 12 months | P20 NUMBER OF CHILDREN BORN IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS: How many children has (NAME) born in the last 12 months? | |
Total variable(s):
52 |