Ghana - Ghana Living Standard Survey 5: 2005, With Non-Farm Household Enterprise Module
Reference ID | GHA-GSS-GLSS-2005-v2.0 |
Year | 2005 - 2006 |
Country | Ghana |
Producer(s) | Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) - Office of the President |
Sponsor(s) | Government of Ghana - GOG - Funding World Bank - WB - Support European Union - EU - Support |
Metadata |
![]() |
Created on
Dec 15, 2008
Last modified
Mar 21, 2016
Page views
- sec0-Survey Informat
ion - sec1-Household Roste
r - sec2a- General Educa
tion - sec2b-Educational Ca
reer - sec2c-Literacy and A
pprenticeship - sec3a-Health Conditi
ons - sec3b- Preventive He
alth and Immunisatio
n - sec3c-Postnatal Care
- sec3d-Fertility-Pren
atal Care - sec3e-Contraceptive
Use and HIV and AIDS - sec3f-Insurance
- sec4a-Activity Statu
s and Charcteristics
of Main Job - sec4b-Characteristic
s of Secondary Occup
ation - sec4c-Underemploymen
t - sec4d-Unemployment
- sec4e-Characteristic
s of Main Occupation - sec4f-Secondary Occu
pation - sec4g-Employment Sea
rch - sec4h-Housekeeping A
ctivities - sec5a-Migration
- sec5b-Domestic and O
utbound Tourism - sec6-Screening Quest
ions for Agriculture - sec69-Screening Ques
tions for Non-farm E
nterprises - sec7-Housing Charact
eristics - secb0- Survey Inform
ation for PartB - secb1-Survey Informa
tion for PartB 2 - secb2-Survey Informa
tion for PartB3 - sec8a1-Agricultural
Assets-Land - sec8a2-Agricultural
Assets-Livestock and
Fishing - sec8a3-Agricultural
Assets-Equipment - sec8b-Farm and Land
Details - sec8c1-Harvest and D
isposal of Crops (st
aple grains) - sec8c2-Harvest and D
isposal of Crops (ro
ots, vegetables) - sec8d-Seasonality of
Sales and Purchases - sec8e-Other Agricult
ural Income - sec8f-Agricultural C
osts and Expenses - sec8g-Processing of
Agricltural Produce - sec8h-Consumption of
Own Produce - sec9a-Non-food Expen
ses (Less frequently
purchased items) - sec9b-Non Food Expen
ses (frequently purc
hased items) - sec9c-Food and Non F
ood Expenses - sec10a-Basic Charact
eristics of Non Farm
Enterprises - sec10b-Employment
- sec10c1-Wage Earning
s-First Enterprise - sec10c2-Wage Earning
s-Second Enterprise - sec10d1-Revenue of E
nterprise (closing s
tock) - sec10d2-Revenue of E
nterprise Engaged in
Wholesale - sec10d3-Revenue of E
nterprise - sec10d4-Preparation
and Sale of Meals - sec10e-Other Revenue
- sec10e1-Other Revenu
e-First Enterprise - sec10e2-Other Revenu
e- Second Enterprise - sec10f1-Expenditure
(opening stocks)-Fir
st Enterprise - sec10f2-Expenditure
(opening stocks)-Sec
ond Enterprise - sec10g1-Other Expend
iture-First Enterpri
se - sec10g2-Other Expend
iture- Second Enterp
rise - sec10h1-Assets of Fi
rst Enterprise - sec10h2-Assets of Se
cond Enterprise - sec10j-Net Income of
Enterprise - sec11a-Transfer Paym
ents made by Househo
lds - sec11b-Transfer Paym
ents Received by Hou
sehold - sec11c-Miscellaneous
Income - sec11d-Miscellaneous
Outgoings - sec12a-Credit
- sec12b-Assets and Du
rable Goods - sec12c-Savings
- com-sec0-Community I
nformation - com-sec1-Demographic
Information - com-sec21-Economy an
d Infrastructure 1 - com-sec22-Economy an
d Infrastructure 2 - com-sec23-Economy an
d Infrastructure 3 - com-sec31-Education
1 - com-sec32-Education
2 - com-sec33-Education
3 - com-sec41-Health 1
- com-sec42-Health 2
- com-sec43-Health 3
- com-sec51-Agricultur
e 1 - com-sec52-Agricultur
e 2
Data Description
Data File: sec8b-Farm and Land Details
Content | Agriculture: Farm/ land details |
Cases | 355 |
Variable(s) | 25 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: hhid (Household Identification number), s8bq3 (Farm number) |
Producer | Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) |
Missing Data | Prior to 2008, missing data and not applicable data were left as blank. These values are not differentiated. The current policy is to identify the missing data as follows: -a coded value would be composed of 9s such that the entire length of the field is filled. For example a code of' '999' would be used for a missing field of three characters. -not applicable or skipped variables are left blank |
Processing Checks | All files have been checked for the following: 1. All variables have been clearly defined and labelled 2. All categories (value labels) have been clearly defined 3. All cases have unique identification (no duplicates) 4. The frequencies of expected respondents checked with the actual section and inconsistencies noted. 5. Skip patterns have been verified 6. Structure edits have been performed |
Notes | All farm lands owned or operated by household members during the past 12 months (excluding land rented or sharecropped out) |
Name | Label | Question | |
clust | Cluster number | ||
hhid | Household Identification number | ||
region | Region | ||
urbrur | Urban/rural | ||
ez | Ecological Zone | ||
nh | Household number | ||
s8bq1 | Holder ID | Holder I.D | |
s8bq2 | Person interviewed | I.D of person interviewed | |
s8bq3 | Farm number | Farm number | |
s8bq4a | Size of farm | Size of farm | |
s8bq4b | Unit of area | Unit Code | |
s8bq5 | Farm owned by household | Is the farm owned by the household? | |
s8bq6 | Houseold have right to sell land or use as collateral | Does the household have the right to sell the farm or use it as collateral security? | |
s8bq7 | Value of land if sold now | If the farm were to be sold now how much would it be worth? | |
s8bq8 | How was land obtained | How did you obtain the land? | |
s8bq9 | Cost to rent land out over 12 months | How much did it cost to rent it over the past 12 months (INCLUDING PAYMENT IN KIND) | |
s8bq10 | Proportion of crops to landlord | What proportion of crops go to the land lord? | |
s8bq11 | Was farm cultivated during the past 12 months | Was the farm cultivated during the past 12 months? | |
s8bq12a | Crops growing on farm during the past 12 months 1 | What crops (including tree crops were growing on this farm during the past 12 months? | |
s8bq12b | Crops growing on farm during the past 12 months 2 | What crops (including tree crops were growing on this farm during the past 12 months? | |
s8bq13a1 | Crops planted during the year - 1a | What crops (including tree crops) were planted during the year? (1st season) TWO MOST IMPORTANT IN TERMS OF REVENUE | |
s8bq13a2 | Crops planted during the year - 1b | What crops (including tree crops) were planted during the year? (1st season) TWO MOST IMPORTANT IN TERMS OF REVENUE | |
s8bq13b1 | Crops planted during the year - 2a | What crops (including tree crops) were planted during the year? (2nd season) TWO MOST IMPORTANT IN TERMS OF REVENUE | |
s8bq13b2 | Crops planted during the year - 2b | What crops (including tree crops) were planted during the year? (2nd season) TWO MOST IMPORTANT IN TERMS OF REVENUE | |
weight | weight | ||
Total variable(s):
25 |