Ghana - Global Financial Inclusion (Global Findex) Database 2011
Reference ID | GHA_2011_FINDEX_v01_M |
Year | 2011 |
Country | Ghana |
Producer(s) | Development Research Group, Finance and Private Sector Development Unit - World Bank |
Sponsor(s) | Development Research Group, World Bank - - The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - - Financial support |
Created on
Feb 13, 2013
Last modified
Dec 05, 2013
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Data Description
Data File: micro_GHA
Cases | 1000 |
Variable(s) | 51 |
Name | Label | Question | |
economy | Economy | ||
ecnmycode | Economy code | ||
wgt | weight | ||
female | Respondent is female | ||
age | Respondent age | Please tell me your age. | |
educ | Respondent education level | What is your highest completed level of education? | |
inc_q | Within-econonmy income quintile | What is your total monthly household income in [insert local currency], before taxes? Please include income from wages and salaries, remittances from family members living elsewhere, farming, and all other sources. | |
q1a | Has an account at a financial instititution | Do you, either by yourself or together with someone else, currently have an account at any of the following places? An account can be used to save money, to make or receive payments, or to receive wages and remittances. Do you currently have an account at a bank or credit union (or another financial institution, where applicable - for example, cooperatives in Latin America) | |
account | Has an account at a financial institution/post office/MFI (composite indicator) | Composite indicator. | |
q1b | Has an account at a post office | Do you, either by yourself or together with someone else, currently have an account at any of the following places? An account can be used to save money, to make or receive payments, or to receive wages and remittances. Do you currently have an account at the Post Office (for example, [insert local example])? | |
q2 | If has account: purpose of account | Do you use your account(s) for personal transactions, business purposes, or both? | |
q3a | Has a debit card | A debit card [(where applicable, read:) sometimes called [insert local example(s) here - a bank card, bank book or salary card] is a card that allows you to make payments, get money, or buy things and the money is taken out of your bank account right away. Do you have a debit card? | |
q3b | Has a credit card | A credit card is like a debit card, but the money is not taken from your account right away. You get credit to make payments or buy things, and you can pay the balance off later. Do you have a credit card? | |
q4 | If has account: number of monthly deposits into account | In a typical month, about how many times is money deposited into your personal account(s)? This includes cash or electronic deposits, or any time money is put into your account(s) by yourself or others (read 1-4). | |
q5 | If has account: number of monthly withdrawals from account | In a typical month, about how many times is money taken out of your personal account(s)? This includes cash withdrawals, electronic payments or purchases, checks, or any other time money is removed from your account(s) by yourself or others (read 1-4) | |
q6 | If has account: most frequent mode of cash withdrawal | When you need to get cash (paper or coins) from your account(s), do you usually get it (read 1-4)? | |
q7 | If has account: most frequent mode of cash deposit | When you put cash (paper or coins) into your account(s), do you usually do it (read 1-4)? | |
q8a | If has account: uses checks | In the past 12 months, have you used checks to make payments on bills or to buy things using money from your account(s)? | |
q8b | If has account: uses electronic payments | In the past 12 months, have you used electronic payments that you make or that are made automatically (including wire transfers or payments made online) to make payments on bills or to buy things using money from your account(s)? | |
q9a | If has account: uses it to receive work payments | In the past 12 months, have you used your account(s) to receive money or payments for work or from selling goods? | |
q9b | If has account: uses it to receive gov't payments | In the past 12 months, have you used your account(s) to receive money or payments from the government? | |
q9c | If has account: uses it to receive money from family | In the past 12 months, have you used your account(s) to receive money from family members living elsewhere? | |
q9d | If has account: uses it to send money to family | In the past 12 months, have you used your account(s) to send money to family members living elsewhere? | |
q10a | If does not have account: b/c too far away | Please tell me whether each of the following is a reason why you, personally, DO NOT have an account at a bank, credit union or other financial institution: They are too far away | |
q10b | If does not have account: b/c too expensive | Please tell me whether each of the following is a reason why you, personally, DO NOT have an account at a bank, credit union or other financial institution: They are too expensive | |
q10c | If does not have account: b/c lack documentation | Please tell me whether each of the following is a reason why you, personally, DO NOT have an account at a bank, credit union or other financial institution: You don't have the necessary documentation (ID, wage slip) | |
q10d | If does not have account: b/c lack trust | Please tell me whether each of the following is a reason why you, personally, DO NOT have an account at a bank, credit union or other financial institution: You don't trust them | |
q10e | If does not have account: b/c lack of money | Please tell me whether each of the following is a reason why you, personally, DO NOT have an account at a bank, credit union or other financial institution: You don't have enough money to use them | |
q10f | If does not have account: b/c religious reasons | Please tell me whether each of the following is a reason why you, personally, DO NOT have an account at a bank, credit union or other financial institution: Because of religious reasons | |
q10g | If does not have account: b/c family member already has one | Please tell me whether each of the following is a reason why you, personally, DO NOT have an account at a bank, credit union or other financial institution: Because someone else in the family already has an account | |
q11 | Has saved money in the past 12 months | In the past 12 months, have you saved or set aside any money? | |
q12a | If saved: saved for future expenses (education, wedding) | In the past 12 months, have you saved for: Expenses in the future such as education, a wedding, or a big purchase | |
q12b | If saved: saved for emergencies | In the past 12 months, have you saved for: Emergencies or a time when you expect to have less income | |
q13a | If saved: saved at a financial institution | In the past 12 months, have you saved or set aside money by using an account at a bank, credit union (or another financial institution, where applicable - for example, cooperatives in Latin America), or microfinance institution | |
q13b | If saved: saved using a savings club | In the past 12 months, have you saved or set aside money by using an informal savings club or a person outside the family (If necessary, provide local examples (chit fund, tontine, merry-go-round, ROSCA, burial society, etc.) | |
q14a | Borrowed money from financial institution in past 12 months | In the past 12 months, have you borrowed any money from a bank, credit union (or another financial institution, where applicable - for example, cooperatives in Latin America), or microfinance institution? | |
q14b | Borrowed money from a store (store credit) in past 12 months | In the past 12 months, have you borrowed any money from a store by using installment credit or buying on credit? | |
q14c | Borrowed money from family or friends in past 12 months | In the past 12 months, have you borrowed any money from family or friends? | |
q14d | Borrowed money from employer in past 12 months | In the past 12 months, have you borrowed any money from employer? | |
q14e | Borrowed money from another private lender in past 12 months | In the past 12 months, have you borrowed any money from another private lender? | |
q15a | Currently has loan for home purchase | Do you currently have a loan you took out for any of the following reasons? To purchase your home or apartment. | |
q16 | Personally has health insurance in addition to nat'l insurance | Do you, personally, have health or medical insurance [(where applicable, read:) in addition to national health insurance]? | |
q17 | If has insurance: has personally purchased insurance | Did you, personally, purchase this insurance? | |
q18 | If ag worker: has personally paid for crop/rainfall/livestock insurance | In the past 12 months, have you personally paid for crop, rainfall, or livestock insurance? | |
q15b | Currently has loan for home construction | Do you currently have a loan you took out for any of the following reasons? To purchase materials or services to build, extend, or renovate your home or apartment. | |
q15c | Currently has loan for school fees | Do you currently have a loan you took out for any of the following reasons? To pay school fees. | |
q15d | Currently has loan for emergency/health purposes | Do you currently have a loan you took out for any of the following reasons? For emergency/health purposes. | |
q15e | Currently has loan for funeral/wedding | Do you currently have a loan you took out for any of the following reasons? For funerals or weddings. | |
q15a1a | Has used a mobile phone to pay bills in past 12 months | In the past 12 months, have you used a mobile phone to pay bills? | |
q15a1b | Has used a mobile phone to send money in past 12 months | In the past 12 months, have you used a mobile phone to send money? | |
q15a1c | Has used a mobile phone to receive money in past 12 months | In the past 12 months, have you used a mobile phone to receive money? | |
Total variable(s):
51 |