Ghana - Ghana Agricultural Production Survey (Minor Season) 2013, Second Round
Reference ID | GHA-MoFA-SRID-GAPS-2013-V1.0 |
Year | 2013 |
Country | Ghana |
Producer(s) | Ministry Of Food and Agriculture / Statistics Research Information Directoriate - Government Of Ghana |
Sponsor(s) | International Food Policy Research Institute - IFPRI - Financial Support |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Sep 15, 2014
Last modified
Sep 15, 2014
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ID Number GHA-MoFA-SRID-GAPS-2013-V1.0 |
Version Description
Version 1.0 (September, 2014)Production Date
The objective of the GAPS is to strengthen the Multi-Round Annual Crop and Livestock Surveys (MRACLS) that the ministry implements through SRID. The MRACLS is the national agricultural survey on the basis of which SRID releases information on agricultural production and yields of important crops. The ultimate goal of GAPS is to provide more accurate and timely agricultural production estimates at the district, regional, and national levels. The survey is also to offer an opportunity for SRID to experiment with a number of potential improvements with a view to developing the required skills and competencies before scaling up, over time, to all the districts in the country.As part of the terms of implementing GAPS, MoFA agreed to assign four Agriculture Extension Agents (AEAs) per district for data collection. The Agents were relieved from all extension duties. To distinguish these field data collection officers from other extension agents, they were referred to as District Agricultural Statistical Assistants (DASAs). One officer per district was designated as a District Management Information System (MIS) officer and was given additional responsibility as field supervisor and referred to as District Agricultural Statistical Officer (DASO). A total of 100 DASAs and DASOs were successfully trained and deployed to their districts for GAPS implementation and given the task of collecting and processing datafrom the field.
Kind of Data
Census/enumeration data [cen]Units of Analysis
The scope of Ghana Agricultural Production Survey includes the following:-(a) The Household and Holding Inquiry - Pre-Harvest questionnaire, also known as the form 2a. This was used to make enquiries on the general characteristics of households and holdings for pre-harvest farming activities during the minor season. Information sought included changes in the household composition, detailed information on livestock, poultry and other animals owned by the selected holders, detailed information on tree crops grown by the selected holders, information on aquaculture practices, inputs, outputs and assets.
(b) The Household and Holding Inquiry - Post-Harvest questionnaire, also known as form 2b. This was used to make enquiries on field practices, inputs and outputs. The following information were sought: inventory of fields, inputs and expenses, Remaining major season production and marketing of crops, minor season crop production and marketing, holding information, shocks and adaptation to shocks, other income generating activities and household health status.
(c) The Household and Holding Inquiry - Pre-harvest field measurements questionnaire known as the form 3. This questionnaire was used to gather data on the nature and characteristics of crop fields and area measurements for individual crop fields for all selected holdings.
(d) Crop Yield Measurement questionnaire also known as the form 4. This was used to seek for data on the yields of food crops such as the cereals, root and tubers, plantain, legumes and nuts, and vegetables.
Topic | Vocabulary | URI |
Food (production, crisis) | World Bank |
Geographic Coverage (1)
National LevelGeographic Coverage (2)
RegionsGeographic Coverage (3)
DistrictsGeographic Unit
Agricultural household and holderProducers and Sponsors
Primary Investigator(s)
Name | Affiliation |
Ministry Of Food and Agriculture / Statistics Research Information Directoriate | Government Of Ghana |
Other Producer(s)
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Ghana Strategy Support Program | International Food Policy Research Institute | Technical and Financial Support |
Name | Abbreviation | Role |
International Food Policy Research Institute | IFPRI | Financial Support |
Other Acknowledgements
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Ghana Strategy Support Program | GSSP | Technical Support |
Metadata Production
Metadata Produced By
Name | Abbreviation | Affiliation | Role |
Ministry Of Food and Agriculture / Statistics Research Information Directoriate | MOFA/SRID | Government Of Ghana | Documention of the Study |
Date of Metadata Production
2014-09-13DDI Document Version
Version 1.0 (September, 2014)DDI Document ID