Ghana - Ghana Living Standard Survey 5: 2005, With Non-Farm Household Enterprise Module
Reference ID | GHA-GSS-GLSS-2005-v2.0 |
Year | 2005 - 2006 |
Country | Ghana |
Producer(s) | Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) - Office of the President |
Sponsor(s) | Government of Ghana - GOG - Funding World Bank - WB - Support European Union - EU - Support |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF |
Created on
Dec 15, 2008
Last modified
Mar 21, 2016
Page views
- sec0-Survey Informat
ion - sec1-Household Roste
r - sec2a- General Educa
tion - sec2b-Educational Ca
reer - sec2c-Literacy and A
pprenticeship - sec3a-Health Conditi
ons - sec3b- Preventive He
alth and Immunisatio
n - sec3c-Postnatal Care
- sec3d-Fertility-Pren
atal Care - sec3e-Contraceptive
Use and HIV and AIDS - sec3f-Insurance
- sec4a-Activity Statu
s and Charcteristics
of Main Job - sec4b-Characteristic
s of Secondary Occup
ation - sec4c-Underemploymen
t - sec4d-Unemployment
- sec4e-Characteristic
s of Main Occupation - sec4f-Secondary Occu
pation - sec4g-Employment Sea
rch - sec4h-Housekeeping A
ctivities - sec5a-Migration
- sec5b-Domestic and O
utbound Tourism - sec6-Screening Quest
ions for Agriculture - sec69-Screening Ques
tions for Non-farm E
nterprises - sec7-Housing Charact
eristics - secb0- Survey Inform
ation for PartB - secb1-Survey Informa
tion for PartB 2 - secb2-Survey Informa
tion for PartB3 - sec8a1-Agricultural
Assets-Land - sec8a2-Agricultural
Assets-Livestock and
Fishing - sec8a3-Agricultural
Assets-Equipment - sec8b-Farm and Land
Details - sec8c1-Harvest and D
isposal of Crops (st
aple grains) - sec8c2-Harvest and D
isposal of Crops (ro
ots, vegetables) - sec8d-Seasonality of
Sales and Purchases - sec8e-Other Agricult
ural Income - sec8f-Agricultural C
osts and Expenses - sec8g-Processing of
Agricltural Produce - sec8h-Consumption of
Own Produce - sec9a-Non-food Expen
ses (Less frequently
purchased items) - sec9b-Non Food Expen
ses (frequently purc
hased items) - sec9c-Food and Non F
ood Expenses - sec10a-Basic Charact
eristics of Non Farm
Enterprises - sec10b-Employment
- sec10c1-Wage Earning
s-First Enterprise - sec10c2-Wage Earning
s-Second Enterprise - sec10d1-Revenue of E
nterprise (closing s
tock) - sec10d2-Revenue of E
nterprise Engaged in
Wholesale - sec10d3-Revenue of E
nterprise - sec10d4-Preparation
and Sale of Meals - sec10e-Other Revenue
- sec10e1-Other Revenu
e-First Enterprise - sec10e2-Other Revenu
e- Second Enterprise - sec10f1-Expenditure
(opening stocks)-Fir
st Enterprise - sec10f2-Expenditure
(opening stocks)-Sec
ond Enterprise - sec10g1-Other Expend
iture-First Enterpri
se - sec10g2-Other Expend
iture- Second Enterp
rise - sec10h1-Assets of Fi
rst Enterprise - sec10h2-Assets of Se
cond Enterprise - sec10j-Net Income of
Enterprise - sec11a-Transfer Paym
ents made by Househo
lds - sec11b-Transfer Paym
ents Received by Hou
sehold - sec11c-Miscellaneous
Income - sec11d-Miscellaneous
Outgoings - sec12a-Credit
- sec12b-Assets and Du
rable Goods - sec12c-Savings
- com-sec0-Community I
nformation - com-sec1-Demographic
Information - com-sec21-Economy an
d Infrastructure 1 - com-sec22-Economy an
d Infrastructure 2 - com-sec23-Economy an
d Infrastructure 3 - com-sec31-Education
1 - com-sec32-Education
2 - com-sec33-Education
3 - com-sec41-Health 1
- com-sec42-Health 2
- com-sec43-Health 3
- com-sec51-Agricultur
e 1 - com-sec52-Agricultur
e 2
Frequently purchased item
File: sec9b-Non Food Expenses (frequently purchased items)
File: sec9b-Non Food Expenses (frequently purchased items)
Continuous Format: numeric Width: 3 Decimals: 0 Range: 1-277 | Valid cases: 49925 Invalid: 0 Minimum: 1 Maximum: 277 |
Questions and instructions
Frequently purchased item code
Value | Category | Cases | |
1 | Guinea corn/sorghum | 300 | 0.6% |
2 | Maize | 300 | 0.6% |
3 | Millet | 300 | 0.6% |
4 | Rice-local | 300 | 0.6% |
5 | Rice-Imported | 299 | 0.6% |
6 | Other cereals | 300 | 0.6% |
7 | Bread-sugar bread | 300 | 0.6% |
8 | Other bread | 300 | 0.6% |
9 | Biscuits | 300 | 0.6% |
10 | Flour (wheat) | 298 | 0.6% |
11 | Maize ground/corn dough | 300 | 0.6% |
12 | Kenkey/banku (without sauce) | 300 | 0.6% |
13 | Baby food (cerelac,etc) | 299 | 0.6% |
14 | Other cereal products | 300 | 0.6% |
18 | Corned beef | 300 | 0.6% |
19 | Pork | 300 | 0.6% |
20 | Beef | 300 | 0.6% |
21 | Goat meat | 299 | 0.6% |
22 | Mutton | 299 | 0.6% |
23 | Bushmeat/wild game | 299 | 0.6% |
24 | Other meat (dog, cat,etc.) | 299 | 0.6% |
27 | Chicken | 300 | 0.6% |
28 | Other domestic poultry | 300 | 0.6% |
29 | Game birds | 299 | 0.6% |
33 | Crustaceans (snails,lobsters,crabs,prawns) | 300 | 0.6% |
34 | Fish (fresh and frozen) | 299 | 0.6% |
35 | Fish (dried) | 299 | 0.6% |
36 | Fish (smoked) | 299 | 0.6% |
37 | Fish (fried) | 300 | 0.6% |
38 | Fish (canned) | 299 | 0.6% |
39 | Fish (salted) | 300 | 0.6% |
40 | Other fish | 300 | 0.6% |
44 | Milk (fresh) | 300 | 0.6% |
45 | Milk (powder) | 300 | 0.6% |
46 | Baby milk | 299 | 0.6% |
47 | Tinned milk (Unsweetened,evaporated) | 299 | 0.6% |
48 | Tinned milk (condensed) | 300 | 0.6% |
49 | Other milk products including cheese | 298 | 0.6% |
53 | Chicken eggs | 300 | 0.6% |
54 | Other eggs | 299 | 0.6% |
58 | coconut oil | 300 | 0.6% |
59 | Groundnut oil | 299 | 0.6% |
60 | Palm kernel oil | 300 | 0.6% |
61 | Palm oil | 300 | 0.6% |
62 | Shea butter | 297 | 0.6% |
63 | Margarine/butter | 299 | 0.6% |
64 | Other vegetable oils including animal fats | 300 | 0.6% |
68 | Coconut | 300 | 0.6% |
69 | Banana | 299 | 0.6% |
70 | Orange/tangerine | 300 | 0.6% |
71 | Pineapple | 300 | 0.6% |
72 | Mango | 300 | 0.6% |
73 | Avocado pear | 300 | 0.6% |
74 | Water melon | 300 | 0.6% |
75 | Canned or processed fruits | 300 | 0.6% |
76 | Other fruits not canned | 300 | 0.6% |
80 | Cocoyam leaves (kontomire) | 300 | 0.6% |
81 | Garden eggs | 300 | 0.6% |
82 | Okoro | 298 | 0.6% |
83 | Carrots | 300 | 0.6% |
84 | Pepper (fresh or dried) | 300 | 0.6% |
85 | Onions (large/small) | 300 | 0.6% |
86 | Tomatoes (fresh) | 300 | 0.6% |
87 | Tomato puree (canned) | 299 | 0.6% |
88 | Other vegetables | 298 | 0.6% |
92 | Sugar (cube,granulated) | 299 | 0.6% |
93 | Honey | 300 | 0.6% |
94 | Ice cream,ice lollies,etc. | 300 | 0.6% |
95 | Chocolate | 300 | 0.6% |
96 | Other confectioneries | 299 | 0.6% |
100 | Black pepper | 300 | 0.6% |
101 | Salt | 299 | 0.6% |
102 | Ginger | 299 | 0.6% |
103 | Other condiments (Royco,maggie,etc) | 300 | 0.6% |
107 | Cassava | 300 | 0.6% |
108 | Cocoyam | 300 | 0.6% |
109 | Plantain | 299 | 0.6% |
110 | Yam | 300 | 0.6% |
111 | Other starchy staples | 298 | 0.6% |
115 | Beans | 300 | 0.6% |
116 | Groundnuts (roasted or raw) | 300 | 0.6% |
117 | Palm nuts | 300 | 0.6% |
118 | Cola nuts | 300 | 0.6% |
119 | Other pulses and nuts | 300 | 0.6% |
123 | Cassava-dough | 299 | 0.6% |
124 | Gari | 300 | 0.6% |
125 | Other processed starchy staples | 298 | 0.6% |
129 | Coffee | 299 | 0.6% |
130 | Chocolate drinks (including milo,Bournvita etc) | 299 | 0.6% |
131 | Tea | 299 | 0.6% |
132 | Other beverage drinks | 299 | 0.6% |
136 | Soft drinks and minerals | 299 | 0.6% |
137 | Malta and malt drinks | 299 | 0.6% |
138 | Fruits juices | 298 | 0.6% |
139 | Mineral water (incl.bottled water & sachet water) | 296 | 0.6% |
143 | Schnapps | 299 | 0.6% |
144 | Whiskies and Gins | 299 | 0.6% |
145 | Akpeteshie | 298 | 0.6% |
146 | Other spirits | 299 | 0.6% |
150 | Palm wine/raffia palm wine etc | 298 | 0.6% |
151 | Pito/Brukutu,etc | 300 | 0.6% |
152 | Other local wine | 300 | 0.6% |
153 | Other imported wine | 300 | 0.6% |
157 | Beer (local) | 299 | 0.6% |
158 | Beer (Imported) | 299 | 0.6% |
159 | Guinness & other stout | 298 | 0.6% |
163 | Cigarrette,cigar | 300 | 0.6% |
164 | Tobacco (processed) | 299 | 0.6% |
165 | Other tobacco products | 299 | 0.6% |
169 | Refuse disposal | 300 | 0.6% |
170 | Expenditure on public toilets (wc and others) | 298 | 0.6% |
174 | Charcoal | 299 | 0.6% |
175 | Firewood and other solid fuels | 299 | 0.6% |
179 | Ice block (household cooling and refrigeration only) | 295 | 0.6% |
180 | Washing soaps and powder | 298 | 0.6% |
181 | Bathing /toilet soaps (liquid or solids) | 297 | 0.6% |
182 | Bleaches | 299 | 0.6% |
183 | Disinfectants and cleaners | 299 | 0.6% |
184 | Insecticides-coils and sprays | 298 | 0.6% |
185 | Matches | 299 | 0.6% |
186 | Toilet papers | 299 | 0.6% |
187 | Candles | 298 | 0.6% |
188 | Kerosene | 298 | 0.6% |
189 | Other non-durable goods | 297 | 0.6% |
193 | Pain killers (paracetamol,Apc,etc) | 298 | 0.6% |
194 | Antibiotics | 298 | 0.6% |
195 | Anti malaria medicines | 298 | 0.6% |
196 | Condoms | 298 | 0.6% |
197 | Traditional Ghanaian drugs(tablets or syrup) | 298 | 0.6% |
198 | Other medical and pharmaceutical drugs | 297 | 0.6% |
202 | Petrol | 298 | 0.6% |
203 | Diesel | 296 | 0.6% |
207 | Washing/parking spaces services | 298 | 0.6% |
211 | Cost of travel by rail | 298 | 0.6% |
215 | Bus fares (STC,Metro Mass Transport,Neoplan,etc) | 298 | 0.6% |
216 | Trotro,taxi & other transport | 299 | 0.6% |
220 | Cost of travel by ferries and canoes | 299 | 0.6% |
224 | Porters (kayaye,male porters,etc). | 299 | 0.6% |
225 | Cost of luggage and itiems transported unaccompanied | 299 | 0.6% |
229 | Postage (within Ghana) | 299 | 0.6% |
230 | Postage (outside) | 299 | 0.6% |
231 | Telephone calls | 298 | 0.6% |
232 | Internet/e-mail | 296 | 0.6% |
233 | Other postal services | 297 | 0.6% |
237 | National Lotteries | 299 | 0.6% |
238 | Other lotteries | 298 | 0.6% |
242 | Excercise books & writing pads | 299 | 0.6% |
243 | Text books,story books,pamphlets/dictionaries,etc | 299 | 0.6% |
247 | Graphic and Times | 298 | 0.6% |
248 | Private newspapers | 298 | 0.6% |
249 | Magazines | 297 | 0.6% |
250 | Other newspapers & periodicals | 299 | 0.6% |
254 | Cooked rice and sauce | 299 | 0.6% |
255 | Fufu or Tuo with soup | 299 | 0.6% |
256 | Banku or kenkey with sauce | 299 | 0.6% |
257 | Other prepared meals | 298 | 0.6% |
258 | Fast foods | 297 | 0.6% |
262 | Cooked rice and sauce | 298 | 0.6% |
263 | Fufu or Tuo with soup | 299 | 0.6% |
264 | Banku or kenkey with sauce | 297 | 0.6% |
265 | Other meals | 298 | 0.6% |
269 | Services of barbers,beauty shops,etc (men) | 298 | 0.6% |
270 | Services of barbers,beauty shops (women) including manicure | 298 | 0.6% |
271 | Mesh/wigs (Natural/artificial) | 297 | 0.6% |
272 | Other personal grooming services | 297 | 0.6% |
276 | Goods for personal care(toothpaste,razor blades,combs,scent | 297 | 0.6% |
277 | Other articles and products | 298 | 0.6% |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.