Ghana - JobTracking Survey - 2006
Reference ID | GHA-GSS-JTS-2006-v1.0 |
Year | 2006 |
Country | Ghana |
Producer(s) | Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) - Office of the President |
Sponsor(s) | Government of Ghana - GoG - Funding |
Metadata |
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Created on
Dec 15, 2008
Last modified
May 17, 2021
Page views
- Background of Establ
ishments - Policy Objectives an
d Outcomes - Jobs Created and Per
sons Hired - Job Losses and Layof
fs - Net Jobs Created
- Tax Incentives
- On the Job Training
and Internships - Microfinance, Loans
and Grants - Implementation of Na
tional Youth Employm
ent Programme - Personnel Trained an
d Placed in Jobs - Construction Works D
one - Job Positions in Est
ablishments - Job Vacancies in Est
ablishments - Job Quality and Labo
ur Market Indicators
Data Description
Data File: On the Job Training and Internships
Content | This section provides information regarding On-the-Job Training, Internships, Industrial Attachement and Vacation Employment. These are disagregated by Male, Female and the duration of the training. The section also provides information on the acquisition of assets like lands/buildings and raw materials as well as meeting working capital as a result of these interventions. |
Cases | 1937 |
Variable(s) | 29 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: qid (Questionnaire number) |
Version | Version 1.0 |
Producer | Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) |
Missing Data | Prior to 2008, missing data and not applicable data were left as blank. These values are not differentiated. The current policy is to identify the missing data as follows: -a coded value would be composed of 9s such that the entire length of the field is filled. For example a code of' '999' would be used for a missing field of three characters. -not applicable or skipped variables are left blank |
Processing Checks | All files have been checked for the following: 1. All variables have been clearly defined and labelled 2. All categories (value labels) have been clearly defined 3. All cases have unique identification (no duplicates) 4. The frequencies of expected respondents checked with the actual section and inconsistencies noted. 5. Skip patterns have been verified 6. Structure edits have been performed |
Name | Label | Question | |
qid | Questionnaire number | ||
region | Region | ||
district | District | ||
sector | Sector | ||
qe1 | Has your establishment participated in any form of on-the -job training? | Has your Establishment participated in any form of On-The-Job-Training/Internship/Industrial Attachment between January and September 2006? | |
qe2a1 | Total trained On-the-Job | If Yes, provide the following information. | |
qe2a2 | Males trained On-the-Job | If Yes, provide the following information. | |
qe2a3 | Females trainied On-the-Job | If Yes, provide the following information. | |
qe2a4 | Duration of training On-the-Job | If Yes, provide the following information. | |
qe2b1 | Total number of Internships | If Yes, provide the following information. | |
qe2b2 | Males in Internship | If Yes, provide the following information. | |
qe2b3 | Females in Internship | If Yes, provide the following information. | |
qe2b4 | Duration in Internship | If Yes, provide the following information. | |
qe2c1 | Total on Vacation emplyment | If Yes, provide the following information. | |
qe2c2 | Males on Vacation employment | If Yes, provide the following information. | |
qe2c3 | Females on Vacation employment | If Yes, provide the following information. | |
qe2c4 | Duration of Vacation employment | If Yes, provide the following information. | |
qe2d1 | Total Others | If Yes, provide the following information. | |
qe2d2 | Male Others | If Yes, provide the following information. | |
qe2d3 | Female Others | If Yes, provide the following information. | |
qe2d4 | Duration Others | If Yes, provide the following information. | |
qe3 | Has your establishment hired more people /created more jobs | Has your Establishment hired more people/created more jobs between January- September 2006 as a result of your participation in the On-The-Job-Training/Internship/Industrial attachment programme? | |
qf1 | Has your establishment benifitted/received any micro-finance | Has your Establishment benefitted or received any micro-finance/loan/grant/advances between January and September 2006? | |
qf3a | Acquiring land/building equipment | To what extent has the facility granted helped your Establishment? | |
qf3b | Acquiring raw materials | To what extent has the facility granted helped your Establishment? | |
qf3c | Meeting market demand | To what extent has the facility granted helped your Establishment? | |
qf3d | Meeting working capital | To what extent has the facility granted helped your Establishment? | |
qf3e | (Specify) | To what extent has the facility granted helped your Establishment? | |
qf4 | Has your establishment hired more people /created more jobs | Has your Establishment hired more people/created more jobs between January- September 2006 as a result of these interventions? | |
Total variable(s):
29 |