Ghana - Emergency Obstetric And Newborn Care,2011, Second Round
Reference ID | GHA-GSS-EmONC-2011-V1.0 |
Year | 2011 |
Country | Ghana |
Producer(s) | Ghana Health Service - Government of Ghana |
Sponsor(s) | United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF - Financial Contributer United Nations Population Fund - UNFPA - Financial Contributer World Health Organization - WHO - Financial Contributer United States Agency for International Development - USA |
Metadata |
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Created on
Sep 12, 2014
Last modified
Jul 16, 2015
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Data Description
Data File: EmONCmerge 1-5 and 11 Data
Content | The datafile contains 6 models as follows: Module 1: identification of facility and infrastructure Module 2: human resources Module 3: essential drugs, equipment, and supplies Module 4: facility case summary Module 5: Emoc signal functions and other essential services Module 11: referral for obstetric, newborn and other patients |
Cases | 1268 |
Variable(s) | 2849 |
Version | Version 1.0 (September, 2014) |
Producer | Ghana Health Services (GHS) |
Missing Data | Missing Data were asteriex (* ) |
Processing Checks | Facility records of deliveries, obstetric complications, cesareans and deaths (maternal and newborn) are often incomplete. In particular, maternal deaths due to indirect causes are not likely to be found in the maternity or gynecological wards. Furthermore, not always will the pregnancy status of a woman who dies of hepatitis, for example, be prominently displayed in a logbook or register. Complications are frequently under-recorded and therefore "Met Need for EmONC" may be underestimated; under-recording of complications (and deaths) also will impact the direct obstetric case fatality rate. Misclassification of stillbirths and very early neonatal deaths may occur because staff feels unjustifiably guilty about the death of a newborn and will therefore classify it as a stillbirth. Or staff may not want to tell a mother that her newborn was born alive and then died. |
Name | Label | Question | |
Ufi | Unique facility identifier | Unique facility identifier | |
Regcode | Region code | Region code | |
Regdist | Districts | Districts | |
M1s11 | Facility name | Facility name | |
M1s12 | Region name | Region name | |
M1s13 | District name | District name | |
M1s14a | Latitude a | ||
M1s14b | Latitude b | Latitude | |
M1s15 | Elevation | Elevation | |
M1s16 | Accuracy reading | Accuracy reading | |
V_merge | Merge | merge | |
Alldeaths | All maternal deaths | All maternal deaths | |
Allvend | All v. Early neo. Deaths | All v. Early neo. Deaths | |
Avedel | Average monthly number of deliveries - per facility | Average monthly number of deliveries - per facility | |
Coord | Coordinates | Coordinates | |
Dircomps | All deaths due to direct complications (excludes other direct deaths) | All deaths due to direct complications (excludes other direct deaths) | |
Dirdeaths | Direct death | Dirdeaths | |
Distcode | District code | District code | |
Docfr | Direct obstetric case fatality rate - per facility | Direct obstetric case fatality rate - per facility | |
Docfrcat | Docfr categorized | Docfr categorized | |
Emonc | Emonc status | Emonc status | |
Fiveplus | Did facility average at least 5 deliveries per month? | Did facility average at least 5 deliveries per month? | |
Fnum | Facility number | Facility number | |
Ftype | Facility type | Facility type | |
Inddeaths | Indirect deaths - includes other | Indirect deaths - includes other | |
M1date | Module 1 - date of interview | Module 1 - date of interview | |
M1day | Module 1 - day of interview | Module 1 - day of interview | |
M1in | Module 1 - interviewer name | Module 1 - interviewer name | |
M1mth | Module 1 - month of interview | Module 1 - month of interview | |
M1s2q1 | Any deliveries attended in this facility in the last 12 months | Any deliveries attended in this facility in the last 12 months | |
M1s2q2 | Urban/rural designation | Urban/rural designation | |
M1s2q3 | Type of facility | Type of facility | |
M1s2q3b | Type of facility-other | Type of facility-other | |
M1s2q4 | Type of operating agency | Type of operating agency | |
M1s2q4b | Type of operating agency -other | Type of operating agency -other | |
M1s3q5a | Any separate room for(a) labor and delivery together | Any separate room for(a) labor and delivery together | |
M1s3q5b | Any separate room for(b) labor first stage only | Any separate room for(b) labor first stage only | |
M1s3q5c | Any separate room for(c) delively only | Any separate room for(c) delively only | |
M1s3q5d | Any separate room for(d) postpartum ward (lying-in ward) | Any separate room for(d) postpartum ward (lying-in ward) | |
M1s3q5e | Any separate room for(e) operating theatre | Any separate room for(e) operating theatre | |
M1s3q5f | Any separate room for(f) neonatal care unit | Any separate room for(f) neonatal care unit | |
M1s3q5g | Any separate room for(g) neonatal intensive care unit | Any separate room for(g) neonatal intensive care unit | |
M1s3q5h | Any separate room for(h) intensive care unit for ocbtetric c | ||
M1s3q5i | Any separate room for(i) blood bank and laboratory together | Any separate room for(i) blood bank and laboratory together | |
M1s3q5j | Any separate room for(j) blood bank | Any separate room for(j) blood bank | |
M1s3q5k | Any separate room for(k) laboratory | Any separate room for(k) laboratory | |
M1s3q6 | Number of beds available for patients | Number of beds available for patients | |
M1s3q7 | Total number of beds dedicated exclusively to obstetric pat | Total number of beds dedicated exclusively to obstetric pat | |
M1s3q8a | Number of delivery beds/couches/stools available | Number of delivery beds/couches/stools available | |
M1s3q8b | Number of functional beds in the store room | Number of functional beds in the store room | |
M1s3q9 | Any electricity in this facility | Any electricity in this facility | |
M1s3q10 | Primary source of electricity | Primary source of electricity | |
M1s3q10a | Primary source of electricity-other | Primary source of electricity-other | |
M1s3q11 | Electricity functioning at this moment | Primary source of electricity-other | |
M1s3q12 | Any back-up generator available | ||
M1s3q13 | Is the generator functional | Is the generator functional | |
M1s3q14 | Number of days without electricity | Number of days without electricity | |
M1s3q15 | Water for functions | Water for functions | |
M1s3q16 | Primary source of water | Primary source of water | |
M1s3q16a | Primary source of water-other | Primary source of water-other | |
M1s3q16c | Primary source of water | Primary source of water | |
M1s3q17a | Is the water system currently functioning in the (a) operati | Is the water system currently functioning in the (a) operati | |
M1s3q17b | Is the water system currently functioning in the (b) deliver | Is the water system currently functioning in the (b) deliver | |
M1s3q17c | Is the water system currently functioning in the (c) postnat | Is the water system currently functioning in the (c) postnat | |
M1s3q17d | Is the water system currently functioning in the (d) labor w | Is the water system currently functioning in the (d) labor w | |
M1s3q18 | Days without water in the last month | Days without water in the last month | |
M1s3q19a | Does the facility provide (a) focused antenatal care | Does the facility provide (a) focused antenatal care | |
M1s3q19b | Does the facility provide (b)antenatal care | Does the facility provide (b)antenatal care | |
M1s3q19c | Does the facility provide (c) post natalcare | Does the facility provide (c) post natalcare | |
M1s3q19d | Does the facility provide (d) obstetric surgery,e.G cesarean | Does the facility provide (d) obstetric surgery,e.G cesarean | |
M1s3q19e | Does the facility provide (e) general anesthesia | ||
M1s3q19f | Does the facility provide (f) treatment or repair of obstetr | Does the facility provide (f) treatment or repair of obstetr | |
M1s3q19g | Does the facility provide (g) cervical screening (pap smear) | Does the facility provide (g) cervical screening (pap smear) | |
M1s3q19h | Does the facility provide (h) diagnosis and treatment for se | Does the facility provide (h) diagnosis and treatment for se | |
M1s3q19i | Does the facility provide (i)antenatal family planning | Does the facility provide (i)antenatal family planning | |
M1s3q19j | Does the facility provide (j) pmtct | Does the facility provide (j) pmtct | |
M1s3q20 | Does the facility carry out maternal death audits or case re | Does the facility carry out maternal death audits or case re | |
M1s4q21 | Any formal payment required before consultation/treatment? | Any formal payment required before consultation/treatment? | |
M1s4q22 | Is a woman expected to pay a fee or buy supplies for a norma | Is a woman expected to pay a fee or buy supplies for a norma | |
M1s4q23 | Is payment required before an obstrtetric/gynecological eme | Is payment required before an obstrtetric/gynecological eme | |
M1s4q24 | In an obstrtetric/gynecological emergency, is the woman or | In an obstrtetric/gynecological emergency, is the woman or | |
M1s4q25 | Any fee schedule for services posted in a public place? | Any fee schedule for services posted in a public place? | |
M1s4q26a | How long does it take the facility to submit a request for h | How long does it take the facility to submit a request for h | |
M1s4q26b | How long does it take the facility to receive health insuran | How long does it take the facility to receive health insuran | |
M1s4q27a | Are women charged separately for (a) bed? | Are women charged separately for (a) bed? | |
M1s4q27b | Are women charged separately for (b) food? | Are women charged separately for (b) food? | |
M1s4q27c | Are women charged separately for (c) blood transfusion? | Are women charged separately for (c) blood transfusion? | |
M1s4q27d | Are women charged separately for (d) neonatal intensive care | Are women charged separately for (d) neonatal intensive care | |
M1s4q27e | Are women charged separately for (e) obstetric/gynecology in | Are women charged separately for (e) obstetric/gynecology in | |
M1s4q28 | Any formal system of waiving poor woman's fees for maternity | Any formal system of waiving poor woman's fees for maternity | |
M1s4q29 | Any informal system of waiving poor woman's fees for materni | Any informal system of waiving poor woman's fees for materni | |
M1s4q30 | Any formal system of waiving poor woman's fees for newborn s | Any formal system of waiving poor woman's fees for newborn s | |
M1s4q31 | Any informal system of waiving poor woman's fees for newborn | Any informal system of waiving poor woman's fees for newborn | |
M1s5q32 | Length of stay(hours) at the facility after normal delivery | Length of stay(hours) at the facility after normal delivery | |
M1yr | Module 1 - year of interview | Module 1 - year of interview | |
M2 | Module 2 | Module 2 | |
M2a | Module 2a | Module 2a | |
M2date | Module 2 - date of interview | Module 2 - date of interview | |
M2day | Module 2 - day of interview | Module 2 - day of interview | |
M2in | Module 2 - interviewer name | Module 2 - interviewer name | |
Total variable(s):
2849 |