Ghana - Emergency Obstetric And Newborn Care,2011, Second Round
Reference ID | GHA-GSS-EmONC-2011-V1.0 |
Year | 2011 |
Country | Ghana |
Producer(s) | Ghana Health Service - Government of Ghana |
Sponsor(s) | United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF - Financial Contributer United Nations Population Fund - UNFPA - Financial Contributer World Health Organization - WHO - Financial Contributer United States Agency for International Development - USA |
Metadata |
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Created on
Sep 12, 2014
Last modified
Jul 16, 2015
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Data Description
Data File: EmONCmerge 6-10 Data
Content | The datafile contains 5 models as follows: Module 6: Pantograph Review Module 7: Provider knowledge and competency for Maternal and Newborn Care Module 8: Cesarean Review Module 9: Review of Maternal Deaths module 10: Review of Neonatal Deaths |
Cases | 1268 |
Variable(s) | 971 |
Version | Version 1.0 (September, 2014) |
Producer | Ghana Health Services (GHS) |
Missing Data | Missing Data were asteriex (* ) |
Processing Checks | Facility records of deliveries, obstetric complications, cesareans and deaths (maternal and newborn) are often incomplete. In particular, maternal deaths due to indirect causes are not likely to be found in the maternity or gynecological wards. Furthermore, not always will the pregnancy status of a woman who dies of hepatitis, for example, be prominently displayed in a logbook or register. Complications are frequently under-recorded and therefore "Met Need for EmONC" may be underestimated; under-recording of complications (and deaths) also will impact the direct obstetric case fatality rate. Misclassification of stillbirths and very early neonatal deaths may occur because staff feels unjustifiably guilty about the death of a newborn and will therefore classify it as a stillbirth. Or staff may not want to tell a mother that her newborn was born alive and then died. |
Name | Label | Question | |
Ufi | Unique facility identifier | Unique facility Identifier | |
Regcode | Region code | Region Code | |
M1s11 | Facility name | Facility Name | |
M1s14a | Latitude | Latitude | |
M1s14b | Longitude | Longitude | |
M1s15 | Elevation | Elevation | |
M1s16 | Accuracy reading | Accuracy reading | |
Tn | Team number | Team Number | |
M1s2q2 | Urban/rural designation | Urban/rural designation | |
Fnum | Facility number | Facility Number | |
Regdist | Districts | Districts | |
Distcode | District code | ||
M1s12 | Region name | Region Name | |
M1s13 | District name | District Name | |
M1s3q5k | Any separate room for(k) laboratory | Any separate room for(k) Laboratory | |
M6in | Module 6 - interviewer name | Module 6 - Interviewer Name | |
M6date | Module 6 - date of interview | Module 6 - Date of Interview | |
M6day | Module 6 - day of interview | Module 6 - Day of interview | |
M6mth | Module 6 - month of interview | Module 6 - Month of interview | |
M6yr | Module 6 - year of interview | Module 6 - Year of interview | |
M6s1q1 | Do you use a partograph in this facility? | Do you use a partograph in this facility? | |
M6s1q2a | Why don't you use a partograph: (a) staff are not trained ? | Why don't you use a partograph: (a) Staff are not trained ? | |
M6s1q2b | Why don't you use a partograph: (b) no supplies | Why don't you use a partograph: (b) No supplies | |
M6s1q2c | Why don't you use a partograph: (c) staff do not have time | Why don't you use a partograph; (c) Staff do not have time | |
M6s1q2d | Why don't you use a partograph: (d) usage is not mandatory/p | Why don't you use a partograph; | |
M6s1q2e | Why don't you use a partograph: (e) other | Why don't you use a partograph: (e) Other | |
M6s1q2f | Why don't you use a partograph: (f) other(specify) | Why don't you use a partograph: (f) Other(Specify) | |
M6s1q3a | Type of partograph used in this facility:(a)modified who pa | Type of partograph used in this facility:(a)Modified WHO pa | |
M6s1q3b | Type of partograph used in this facility:(b)simplified who | Type of partograph used in this facility:(b)Simplified WHO | |
M6s1q3c | Type of partograph used in this facility:(c)composite who p | Type of partograph used in this facility:(c)Composite WHO p | |
M6s1q3d | Type of partograph used in this facility:(d)other | Type of partograph used in this facility:(d)Othe | |
M6s1q3e | Type of partograph used in this facility:(e)other (specify) | Type of partograph used in this facility:(e)Other (Specify) | |
M6s1q4 | Is there a labour management protocol for a woman using a pa | Is there a labour management protocol for a woman using a pa | |
M6s1q5a | What was the woman's dilatation when the partograph was star | What was the woman's dilatation when the partograph was star | |
M6s1q5b | What was the woman's dilatation when the partograph was star | What was the woman's dilatation when the partograph was star | |
M6s1q5c | What was the woman's dilatation when the partograph was star | ||
M6s1q6a | Was the first dilatation charted when on the alert line: (ca | Was the first dilatation charted when on the alert line: (ca | |
M6s1q6b | Was the first dilatation charted when on the alert line: (ca | Was the first dilatation charted when on the alert line: (c) | |
M6s1q6c | Was the first dilatation charted when on the alert line: (ca | Was the first dilatation charted when on the alert line: (ca | |
M6s1q7h1 | Hours elapsed between 1st exam and delivery: (case1) | Hours elapsed between 1st exam and delivery: (case1) | |
M6s1q7m1 | Minutes elapsed between 1st exam and delivery: (case1) | Minutes elapsed between 1st exam and delivery: (case1) | |
M6s1q7h2 | Hours elapsed between 1st exam and delivery: (case2) | Hours elapsed between 1st exam and delivery: (case2) | |
M6s1q7m2 | Minutes elapsed between 1st exam and delivery: (case2) | Minutes elapsed between 1st exam and delivery: (case2) | |
M6s1q7h3 | Hours elapsed between 1st exam and delivery: (case3) | Hours elapsed between 1st exam and delivery: (case3) | |
M6s1q7m3 | Minutes elapsed between 1st exam and delivery: (case3) | Minutes elapsed between 1st exam and delivery: (case3) | |
M6s1q8a | Number of times a woman's temperature checked and recorded : | Number of times a woman's temperature checked and recorded : | |
M6s1q8b | Number of times a woman's temperature checked and recorded : | Number of times a woman's temperature checked and recorded : | |
M6s1q8c | Number of times a woman's temperature checked and recorded : | Number of times a woman's temperature checked and recorded : | |
M6s1q9a | Number of times a woman's blood checked and recorded : (case | Number of times a woman's blood checked and recorded : (case) | |
M6s1q9b | Number of times a woman's blood checked and recorded : (case | Number of times a woman's blood checked and recorded : (case | |
M6s1q9c | Number of times a woman's blood checked and recorded : (case | Number of times a woman's blood checked and recorded : (case | |
M6s1q10a | Number of times a woman's pulse checked and recorded : (case | Number of times a woman's pulse checked and recorded : (case | |
M6s1q10b | Number of times a woman's pulse checked and recorded : (case | Number of times a woman's pulse checked and recorded : (case | |
M6s1q10c | Number of times a woman's pulse checked and recorded : (case | Number of times a woman's pulse checked and recorded : (case) | |
M6s1q11a | Was the fetal heart rate cbserved at least at hourly interva | Was the fetal heart rate cbserved at least at hourly interval | |
M6s1q11b | Was the fetal heart rate cbserved at least at hourly interva | Was the fetal heart rate cbserved at least at hourly interval | |
M6s1q11c | Was the fetal heart rate cbserved at least at hourly interva | Was the fetal heart rate cbserved at least at hourly interva | |
M6s1q12a | Was contraction assessed at least at hourly (case1)? | Was contraction assessed at least at hourly (case1) | |
M6s1q12b | Was contraction assessed at least at hourly (case2)? | Was contraction assessed at least at hourly (case2)? | |
M6s1q12c | Was contraction assessed at least at hourly (case3)? | Was contraction assessed at least at hourly (case3) | |
M6s1q13a | Number of times a vaginal examination carried out and record | Number of times a vaginal examination carried out and record | |
M6s1q13b | Number of times a vaginal examination carried out and record | Number of times a vaginal examination carried out and record | |
M6s1q13c | Number of times a vaginal examination carried out and record | Number of times a vaginal examination carried out and record | |
M6s1q14a | Was descent checked and recorded btw admission and delivery | Was descent checked and recorded btw admission and delivery | |
M6s1q14b | Was descent checked and recorded btw admission and delivery | Was descent checked and recorded btw admission | |
M6s1q14c | Was descent checked and recorded btw admission and delivery | Was descent checked and recorded btw admission and delivery | |
M6s1q15a | Was the state of the membranes or color of the liquor record | Was the state of the membranes or color of the liquor record | |
M6s1q15b | Was the state of the membranes or color of the liquor record | Was the state of the membranes or color of the liquor record | |
M6s1q15c | Was the state of the membranes or color of the liquor record | Was the state of the membranes or color of the liquor record | |
M6s1q16a | According to the partograph, when did the woman deliver (cas | According to the partograph, when did the woman deliver (cas | |
M6s1q16b | According to the partograph, when did the woman deliver (cas | According to the partograph, when did the woman deliver (cas | |
M6s1q16c | According to the partograph, when did the woman deliver (cas | According to the partograph, when did the woman deliver (cas | |
M6sq17ha | Hours if delivery was beyond the action line: (case1) | ||
M6sq17ma | Minutes if delivery was beyond the action line: (case1) | Minutes if delivery was beyond the action line: (case1) | |
M6sq17hb | Hours if delivery was beyond the action line: (case2) | Hours if delivery was beyond the action line: (case2) | |
M6sq17mb | Minutes if delivery was beyond the action line: (case2) | Minutes if delivery was beyond the action line: (case2) | |
M6sq17hc | Hours if delivery was beyond the action line: (case3) | Hours if delivery was beyond the action line: (case3) | |
M6sq17mc | Minutes if delivery was beyond the action line: (case3) | Minutes if delivery was beyond the action line: (case3) | |
M6sq18a | Was augumentation used (case1)? | Was augumentation used (case1)? | |
M6sq18b | Was augumentation used (case2)? | Was augumentation used (case2)? | |
M6sq18c | Was augumentation used (case3)? | Was augumentation used (case3)? | |
M6sq19a | If augumentation was when used (case1)? | If augumentation was when used (case1)? | |
M6sq19b | If augumentation was when used (case2)? | If augumentation was when used (case2)? | |
M6sq19c | If augumentation was when used (case3)? | If augumentation was when used (case3)? | |
M6sq20a | Was time at delivery filled in (case1)? | Was time at delivery filled in (case1)? | |
M6sq20b | Was time at delivery filled in (case2)? | Was time at delivery filled in (case2)? | |
M6sq20c | Was time at delivery filled in (case3)? | ||
M6sq21a | What type of delivery did she have (case1)? | What type of delivery did she have (case1)? | |
M6sq21ao | What type of delivery did she have (case1) - other? | What type of delivery did she have (case1) - Other? | |
M6sq21b | What type of delivery did she have (case2)? | What type of delivery did she have (case2)? | |
M6sq21bo | What type of delivery did she have (case2) - other? | What type of delivery did she have (case2) - Other | |
M6sq21c | What type of delivery did she have (case3)? | Type of delivery did she have (case3)? | |
M6sq21co | What type of delivery did she have (case3) - other? | What type of delivery did she have (case3) - Other? | |
M6sq22a | Why vacuum extraction/forceps orcaesarean delivery delivery | Why Vacuum extraction/forceps orcaesarean delivery delivery | |
M6sq22ao | Why vacuum extraction/forceps orcaesarean delivery delivery: | Why Vacuum extraction/forceps orcaesarean delivery delivery: | |
M6sq22b | Why vacuum extraction/forceps orcaesarean delivery delivery | Why Vacuum extraction/forceps orcaesarean delivery delivery | |
M6sq22bo | Why vacuum extraction/forceps orcaesarean delivery delivery: | Why Vacuum extraction/forceps orcaesarean delivery delivery: | |
M6sq22c | Why vacuum extraction/forceps orcaesarean delivery delivery | Why Vacuum extraction/forceps orcaesarean delivery delivery | |
M6sq22co | Why vacuum extraction/forceps orcaesarean delivery delivery: | Why Vacuum extraction/forceps orcaesarean delivery delivery: | |
M6sq23a | Outcome for the baby (case1)? | Outcome for the baby (case1)? | |
Total variable(s):
971 |