Ghana - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS3) 2006, Third Round
Reference ID | GHA-GSS-MICS3-2006-v1.1 |
Year | 2006 |
Country | Ghana |
Producer(s) | Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) - Government Of Ghana |
Sponsor(s) | United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF - Financial and technical assistance (US) President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief - PEPFAR - Financial and technical assistance Dutch Government - - Financial and technical assistance |
Metadata |
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Created on
Sep 15, 2014
Last modified
Sep 15, 2014
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Data Description
Data File: Men
Content | All men between 15 and 49 years |
Cases | 11694 |
Variable(s) | 723 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: Hh1 (Cluster number), Hh2 (Household number), Ln (Line number) |
Version | Version 01 was the uploaded version without filling the literial questions in the variables Version 1.1 (September 2014 ) the literal questions provided with some editing done to study |
Producer | Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) |
Missing Data | Prior to 2008, missing data and not applicable data were left as blank. These values are not differentiated. The current policy is to identify the missing data as follows: -a coded value would be composed of 9s such that the entire length of the field is filled. For example a code of' '999' would be used for a missing field of three characters. -not applicable or skipped variables are left blank |
Processing Checks | All files have been checked for the following: 1. All variables have been clearly defined and labelled 2. All categories (value labels) have been clearly defined 3. All cases have unique identification (no duplicates) 4. The frequencies of expected respondents checked with the actual section and inconsistencies noted. 5. Skip patterns have been verified 6. Structure edits have been performed |
Name | Label | Question | |
Hh1 | Cluster number | HH1. CLUSTER NUMBER: | |
Hh2 | Household number | HH2. HOUSEHOLD NUMBER: | |
Ln | Line number | LN. Line number | |
Mm1 | Cluster number | MM1. Cluster number | |
Mm2 | Household number | MM2.HOUSEHOLD NUMBER: | |
Mm4 | Men's line number | MM4. Man's line number | |
Mm5 | Interviewer number | MM5. Interviewer number | |
Mm6d | Day of interview | MM6D. Day of interview | |
Mm6m | Month of interview | MM6M. Month of interview | |
Mm6y | Year of interview | MM6Y. Year of interview | |
Mm7 | Results of men's interview | MM7. Result of men 's interview | |
Mm8m | Month of birth | MM8. In what month were you born? | |
Mm8y | Year of birth | MM8b. In what year were you born? | |
Mm9 | Age in completed years | MM9. How old were you at your last birthday? | |
Mm10 | Ever attended school | MM10. Have you ever attended school? | |
Mm11 | Highest level of school attended | MM11. What is the highest level of school you attended: primary, secondary, or higher? | |
Mm12 | Highest grade attended | MM12. What is the highest grade you completed at that level? | |
Mm14 | Now read this sentence to me | MM14. Now I would like you to read this sentence to me. SHOW SENTENCES TO RESPONDENT. | |
Mm14a | Ever participated in literacy program | Ever participated in literacy program | |
Mm15 | What is your religion | MM15. What is your religion? | |
Mm16 | To which ethnic group do you belong | MM16. To which ethnic group do you belong? | |
Rm1 | Ever fathered any child with any woman? | RM1. Now I would like to ask about any children you have had. I am interested only in the children that are biologically yours. Have you ever fathered any children with any woman? | |
Rm2am | Month of birth | RM2AM. When (month) was your first child born? I mean the very first time you have a child, even if the child is no longer living, or whose mother is a woman other than your current partner? | |
Rm2ay | Year of birth | RM2AY. When (year) was your first child born? I mean the very first time you have a child, even if the child is no longer living, or whose mother is a woman other than your current partner? | |
Rm2b | How many years you had first birth | RM2B. How many years ago was your first child born? | |
Rm3 | Son's and daughters living with you | RM3. Do you have any sons or daughters that you have fathered who are now living with you? | |
Rm4a | Son's at home living with you | RM4A. How many sons live with you? | |
Rm4b | Daugthers at home living with you | RM4. How many daughters live with you? | |
Rm5 | Son's or daugthers fathered but don't live with you | RM5. Do you have any sons or daughters you have fathered who are alive but do not live with you? | |
Rm6a | Son's alive but do not live with you | RM6A. How many sons are alive but do not live with you? | |
Rm6b | Daugthers alive but do not live with you | RM6B. How many daughters are alive but do not live with you? | |
Rm7 | Ever fathered a boy or girl who was born alive but died | RM7. Have you ever fathered a boy or girl who was born alive but later died? IF NO, PROBE: Any baby who cried or showed signs of life but did not survive? | |
Rm8a | How many boys died | RM8. How many boys have died? | |
Rm8b | How many girls died | RM8. How many girls have died? | |
Rm9 | Total children ever born | RM9. SUM ANSWERS TO RM4, RM6, AND RM8. | |
Rm12 | Do the children you fathered have same biological mother? | RM12. Do the children that you have fathered all have the same biological mother? | |
Rm13 | Number of women you've fathered children with | RM13. In all how many women have you fathered children with? | |
Mu1 | Currently married or living with a woman? | MA1. Are you currently married or living together with a woman? | |
Mu2 | Have one wife or more than one wife? | MA2. Do you have one wife or more than one wife? | |
Mu3 | Any other women you live as if married? | MA3. Are there any other women with whom you live as if married? | |
Mu4 | Number of women living with you as if married | MA4. Are you living with one (OTHER) woman or more than one (OTHER) woman as if married? | |
Mu5 | Currently have any other regular or occational sexual partne | MA5. Apart from the woman/women you have already mentioned, do you currently have any other regular or occasional sexual partners? | |
Mu6 | Do you currently have regular,occational,or no sexual partne | MA6. Do you currently have regular, occasional, or no sexual partners? | |
Mu7 | Ever been married or lived with a woman? | MA7. Have you ever been married or lived with a woman? | |
Mu8 | Your marital status now | MA8. What is your marital status now: are you widowed, divorced, or separated? | |
Mu9a$1 | Line number of wife/partner | Please tell me the name of your wife/partner. | |
Mu9a$2 | Line number of wife/partner | Please tell me the name of your wife/partner. | |
Mu9a$3 | Line number of wife/partner | Please tell me the name of your wife/partner. | |
Mu9a$4 | Line number of wife/partner | Please tell me the name of your wife/partner. | |
Mu9a$5 | Line number of wife/partner | Please tell me the name of your wife/partner. | |
Mu9b$1 | Wife or partner | Please tell me the name of your wife or partner. | |
Mu9b$2 | Wife or partner | Please tell me the name of your wife or partner. | |
Mu9b$3 | Wife or partner | Please tell me the name of your wife or partner. | |
Mu9b$4 | Wife or partner | Please tell me the name of your wife or partner. | |
Mu9b$5 | Wife or partner | Please tell me the name of your wife or partner. | |
Sm1 | Age of first sexual intercourse | SM1. Age of first sexual intercourse | |
Sm2 | The last time you had sexual intercourse | SB2. When was the last time you had sexual intercourse? RECORD ‘YEARS AGO’ ONLY IF LAST INTERCOURSE WAS ONE OR MORE YEARS AGO. IF 12 MONTHS OR MORE THE ANSWER MUST BE RECORDED IN YEARS. | |
Sm2u | The last time had sex intercourse{unit} | SB2U. When was the last time you had sexual intercourse? RECORD ‘YEARS AGO’ ONLY IF LAST INTERCOURSE WAS ONE OR MORE YEARS AGO. IF 12 MONTHS OR MORE THE ANSWER MUST BE RECORDED IN YEARS. | |
Sm2n | The last time had sex intercourse{number} | SB2N. When was the last time you had sexual intercourse? RECORD ‘YEARS AGO’ ONLY IF LAST INTERCOURSE WAS ONE OR MORE YEARS AGO. IF 12 MONTHS OR MORE THE ANSWER MUST BE RECORDED IN YEARS. | |
Sm3 | Was a condom used the last time you had sex | SB3. The last time you had sexual intercourse was a condom used? | |
Sm3a | Reason why you used a condom | SB3A. What was the main reason why you used the condom? | |
Sm4 | The relationship to the woman you had sex with | SB4. What is your relationship to the woman with whom you last had sexual intercourse? IF WOMAN IS ‘GIRLFRIEND’ OR ‘FIANCÉE’, ASK: Was your girlfriend/fiancée living with you when you last had sex? | |
Sm5 | Age of this person | SB5. How old is this person? IF RESPONSE IS DK, PROBE: About how old is this person? | |
Sm6 | Had sex in the last 12month with other woman? | SB6. Have you had sex with any other woman in the last 12 months ? | |
Sm7 | Was condom used with this person | SB7. The last time you had sexual intercourse with this other woman, was a condom used? | |
Sm7a | Reason why you used the condom? | SB7A. What was the main reason why you use the condom? | |
Sm8 | Whats your relationship with this woman | SB8. What is your relationship to this woman? IF WOMAN IS ‘GIRLFRIEND’ OR ‘FIANCÉE’, ASK: Was your girlfriend/fiancé living with you when you last had sex? | |
Sm9 | Age of this person | SB9. How old is this person? | |
Sm10 | Other than these two women,had sex with other woman in the l | SB10. Other than these two women, have you had sex with any other woman in the last 12 months? | |
Sm11 | In total,how many different women have you had sex with in t | SB11. In total, with how many different women have you had sex in the last 12 months? | |
Sm11a | Was a condom used everytime you had sex in the last 12 month | SB11A. Was a condom used every time you had sexual intercourse in the last 12 months? | |
Sm11b | Do you think any of your sex partners has other partners | SB11B. Do you think that (ANY OF) your sexual partner(s) has (have) other sexual partners? | |
Sm12 | Ever had sex with a commercial sex worker? | SB12. Have you ever had sex with a commercial sex worker? | |
Sm13 | How long ago was the last time with a commercial sex worker{ | SB 13. How long ago was the last time you had sex with a commercial sex worker? | |
Sm13a | How long ago was the last time{number} | SM13A. How long ago was the last time{number} | |
Sm14 | Was condom used the last time you paid for sex | SB14. The last time that you paid for sex, was a condom used? | |
Hv1 | Ever heard of hiv or aids | HA1. Now I would like to talk with you about something else. Have you ever heard of the virus HIV or an illness called AIDS? | |
Hv2 | Can people protect themselves by having one sex partner who | HA2. Can people protect themselves from getting infected with the AIDS virus by having one sex partner who is not infected and also has no other partners? | |
Hv3 | Can people get the virus through witchcraft or other superna | HA3. Can people get infected with the AIDS virus because of witchcraft or other supernatural means? | |
Hv4 | Can people by using condom everytime they have sex reduce th | HA4. Can people reduce their chance of getting the AIDS virus by using a condom every time they have sex? | |
Hv5 | Can people get the virus from mosquito bite? | HA5. Can people get the AIDS virus from mosquito bites? | |
Hv6 | By not having sex at all,can people reduce their chances of | HA6. Can people reduce their chance of getting infected with the AIDS virus by not having sex at all? | |
Hv7 | Can people get the virus by sharing food with one who has th | HA7. Can people get the AIDS virus by sharing food with a person who has AIDS? | |
Hv7a | By getting injection with a needle that was already used by | HA7A. Can people get the AIDS virus by getting injections with a needle that was already used by someone else? | |
Hv8 | Is it possible for a healthy looking person to have the viru | HA8. Is it possible for a healthy -looking person to have the AIDS virus? | |
Hv9 | Can the virus be transmitted from a mother to a baby? | HA9. Can the AIDS virus be transmitted from a mother to a baby? | |
Hv9a | During pregnancy? | HA9A. Can the AIDS virus be transmitted from a mother to a baby during pregnancy? | |
Hv9b | During delivery? | HA9B. Can the AIDS virus be transmitted from a mother to a baby during delivery? | |
Hv9c | By breastfeeding? | HA9C. Can the AIDS virus be transmitted from a mother to a baby by breastfeeding? | |
Hv10 | Should a female teacher be allowed to teach if she has the v | HA10. If a female teacher has the AIDS virus but is not sick, should she be allowed to continue teaching in school? | |
Hv10a | Should a male teacher be allowed to teach if he has the viru | HA10A. If a male teacher has the AIDS virus but is not sick, should he be allowed to continue teaching in school? | |
Hv11 | Would you buy fresh vegetable from a shopkeeper if you knew | HA11. Would you buy fresh vegetables from a shopkeeper or vendor if you knew that this person had the AIDS virus? | |
Hv12 | Would you want it to remain a secret if a family member has | HA12. If a member of your family became infected with the AIDS virus, would you want it to remain a secret? | |
Hv13 | Would you be willing to care for a family member in your hou | HA13. If a member of your family became sick with the AIDS virus, would you be willing to care for him or her in your household? | |
Hv14 | Ever tested for hiv/ aids | HA14. I do not want to know the results, but have you ever been tested to see if you have HIV, the virus that causes AIDS? | |
Hv14a | Last time tested | HA14A. When was the last time you were tested? | |
Hv15 | Have you been told the results | HA15. I do not want you to tell me the results of the test, but have you been told the results? | |
Hv16 | Did you,yourself ask for the test,offered and accepted,or re | HA16. Did you, yourself, ask for the test, was it offered and you accepted, or was it required? | |
Hv18 | Know of a place to get the aids test? | HA18. At this time, do you know of a place where you can go to get such a test to see if you have the AIDS virus? | |
Total variable(s):
723 |