Ghana - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS3) 2006, Third Round
Reference ID | GHA-GSS-MICS3-2006-v1.1 |
Year | 2006 |
Country | Ghana |
Producer(s) | Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) - Government Of Ghana |
Sponsor(s) | United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF - Financial and technical assistance (US) President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief - PEPFAR - Financial and technical assistance Dutch Government - - Financial and technical assistance |
Metadata |
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Created on
Sep 15, 2014
Last modified
Sep 15, 2014
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Data Description
Data File: Household
Content | All household members |
Cases | 5939 |
Variable(s) | 251 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: Hh1 (Cluster number), Hh2 (Household number) |
Version | Version 01 was the uploaded version without filling the literial questions in the variables Version 1.1 (September 2014 ) the literal questions provided with some editing done to study |
Producer | Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) |
Missing Data | Prior to 2008, missing data and not applicable data were left as blank. These values are not differentiated. The current policy is to identify the missing data as follows: -a coded value would be composed of 9s such that the entire length of the field is filled. For example a code of' '999' would be used for a missing field of three characters. -not applicable or skipped variables are left blank |
Processing Checks | All files have been checked for the following: 1. All variables have been clearly defined and labelled 2. All categories (value labels) have been clearly defined 3. All cases have unique identification (no duplicates) 4. The frequencies of expected respondents checked with the actual section and inconsistencies noted. 5. Skip patterns have been verified 6. Structure edits have been performed |
Name | Label | Question | |
Hh1 | Cluster number | HH1. Cluster number: | |
Hh2 | Household number | HH2. Household number: | |
Hh3 | Interviewer number | HH3. Interviewer number: | |
Hh4 | Supervisor number | HH4. Supervisor number: | |
Hh5d | Day of interview | HH5. Day of interview | |
Hh5m | Month of interview | HH5. Month of interview | |
Hh5y | Year of interview | HH5. Year of interview | |
Hh6 | Area | HH6. Area: | |
Hh7 | Region | RHH7. Region | |
Hh7a | District | HH7A. District | |
Hh9 | Result of hh interview | HH9. Result of household interview: | |
Hh10 | Respondent hh questionnaire | HH10. Respondent to household questionnaire: | |
Hh11 | Number of household members | HH11. Total number of household members: | |
Hh12 | Total eligible women | HH12. No. Of women eligible for interview: | |
Hh13 | Women interviews completed | HH13. No. Of women questionnaires completed: | |
Hh14 | Total children under 5 years | HH14. No. Of children under age 5: | |
Hh15 | Child interviews completed | HH15. No. Of under 5 questionnaires completed: | |
Hh15a | Household selected for man's interview | HH15A. Household selected for man’s interview: | |
Hh15b | Total eligible men | HH15B. Number of men eligible for interview: | |
Hh15c | Men questionaires completed | HH15C. Number of men questionnaires completed: | |
Hh16 | Data entry clerk | HH16. Data entry clerk: | |
Tohl6 | Total number of women 15-49 years | TOHL6: Women's interview (age 15-49 years) | |
Tohl6a | Total number of men 15-49 years | TOHL6A: Men's interview (age 15-49 years) | |
Tohl7 | Total number of children 5-14 years | TOHL7: Working children (age 15-49 years) HL7. For each child age 5-14: Who is the mother or primary caretaker of this child? Record line no. Of mother/caretaker | |
Tohl8 | Total number of children under 5 years | Children under -5years hl8. For each child under 5: TOHL8. Who is the mother or primary caretaker of this child? Record line no. Of mother/caretaker | |
Ws1 | Main source of drinking water for the household | WS1. What is the main source of drinking water for members of your household? | |
Ws2 | Main source of water used by household for other purposes | WS2. What is the main source of water used by your household for other purposes such as cooking and handwashing? | |
Ws3 | Time spent to get water and come back | WS3. How long does it take to go there, get water, and come back? | |
Ws4 | Person who fetches water for the household | WS4. Who usually goes to this source to fetch the water for your household? | |
Ws5 | Is water treated to make it safer for drinking | WS5. Do you treat your water in any way to make it safer to drink? | |
Ws6a | Boil | WS6A. What do you usually do to the water to make it safer to drink? : Boil | |
Ws6b | Add bleach/chlorine | WS6B. What do you usually do to the water to make it safer to drink? : Add bleach/chlorine/alloy | |
Ws6c | Strain it through a cloth | WS6C. What do you usually do to the water to make it safer to drink? : Strain it through a cloth | |
Ws6d | Use water filter | WS6D. What do you usually do to the water to make it safer to drink? :Use water filter (ceramic, sand, composite, etc) | |
Ws6e | Solar disinfection | WS6E. What do you usually do to the water to make it safer to drink? : Solar disinfection | |
Ws6f | Let it stand and settle | WS6F. What do you usually do to the water to make it safer to drink? : Let it stand and settle | |
Ws6x | Other | WS6X. What do you usually do to the water to make it safer to drink? : Other (specify) | |
Ws6z | Dk | WS6Z. What do you usually do to the water to make it safer to drink? : Don't Know | |
Ws7 | Kind of toilet facility used by household? | WS7. What kind of toilet facility do members of your household usually use? | |
Ws8 | Is toilet facility shared with other households? | WS8. Do you share this facility with other households? | |
Ws9 | Number of households using this toilet facility | WS9. How many households in total use this toilet facility? | |
Ws10 | How does the household dispose of solid waste? | WS10. How does your household dispose of refuse (solid waste)? | |
Ws10a | Hoe does the household dispose of liquid waste? | WS10A. How does your household dispose of liquid waste? | |
Hc1a | Religious affiliation of the head of household | HC1A. What is the religious affiliation of the head of this household? | |
Hc1b | Mother tongue/native of the head of household | HC1B. What is the mother tongue/native language of the head of this household? | |
Hc1c | The major ethnic group to which head of household belongs to | HC1C. To which ethnic group does the head of this household belong? | |
Hc2 | Number of rooms used as sleeping rooms by the household | HC2. How many rooms in this household are used for sleeping? | |
Hc3 | Main material of the floor of the dwelling | HC3. Main material of the dwelling floor: | |
Hc4 | Main material of the roof of the dwelling | HC4. Main material of the roof. | |
Hc5 | Main material of the wall of the dwelling | HC5. Main material of the walls. | |
Hc6 | Type of fuel maily used for cooking | HC6. What type of fuel does your household mainly use for cooking? | |
Hc7 | Is food cooked on an open fire, an open stove or close stove? | HC7. In this household, is food cooked on an open fire, an open stove or a closed stove? Probe for type. | |
Hc8 | Cooking location | HC8. Is the cooking usually done in the house, in a separate building, or outdoors? | |
Hc9a | Does your household have electricity? | HC9A. Does your household have: Electricity? | |
Hc9b | Does your household have radio? | HC9B. Does your household have: Radio? | |
Hc9c | Does your household have television? | HC9C. Does your household have: Television? | |
Hc9d | Does your have computer? | HC9D. Does your household have: Computer | |
Hc9e | Does your have clock? | HC9E. Does your household have: Clock? | |
Hc9f | Does your have mobile phone? | HC9F. Does your household have: Mobile telephone? | |
Hc9g | Does your household have fixed land line? | HC9G. Does your household have: Fixed land line? | |
Hc9h | Does your household have refrigerator | HC9H. Does your household have: Refrigerator? | |
Hc9i | Does your household have video deck? | HC9I. Does your household have: Video deck? | |
Hc9j | Does your household have freezer? | HC9J. Does your household have: Freezer? | |
Hc9k | Does your household have dvd/vcd? | HC9K. Does your household have: DVD/VCD? | |
Hc9l | Does your household have wood furniture? | HC9L. Does your household have: Wood furniture? | |
Hc10a | Does have household have bicycle? | HC10A. Does any member of your household own: Bicycle? | |
Hc10b | Does have household have motorcycle or scooter? | HC10B. Does any member of your household own: Motorcycle or scooter? | |
Hc10c | Does your household have animal-drawn cart? | HC10C. Does any member of your household own: Animal-drawn cart? | |
Hc10d | Does your household have car or truck? | HC10D. Does any member of your household own: Car or truck? | |
Hc10e | Does your household have boat without motor? | HC10E. Does any member of your household own: Canoe/Boat without a motor? | |
Hc10f | Does your household have boat with motor? | HC10F. Does any member of your household own: Canoe/Boat with a motor? | |
Hc11 | Does any member of your household own any land that coulod be used for agriculture? | HC11. Does any member of this household own any land that can be used for agriculture? | |
Hc12 | How many hactares of agriculture land do household members have? | HC12. How many hectares/acres/plots of agricultural land do members of this household own? | |
Hc13 | Does this household own any livestock, heds, or animals | HC13. Does this household own any livestock, herds, farm animals or poultry? | |
Hc14a | Number of cattle that the household have | HC14A. How many of the following animals does this household have? : Cattle | |
Hc14b | Number of horses donkeys, or mules that the household have | HC14B. How many of the following animals does this household have? : Horses, Donkeys, or Mules | |
Hc14c | Number of goats that the household have | HC14C. How many of the following animals does this household have? : Goats | |
Hc14d | Number of sheep that the household have | HC14D. How many of the following animals does this household have? : Sheep | |
Hc14e | Number of pigs that the household have | HC14E. How many of the following animals does this household have? : Pig | |
Hc14f | Number of other farm animals that the household have | HC14F. How many of the following animals does this household have? : Other farm animal (specify) | |
Hc14g | Number of chickens that the household have | HC14G. How many of the following animals does this household have? : Chickens | |
Hc14h | Number of other poultry that the household have | HC14H. How many of the following animals does this household have? : Other poultry (specify) | |
Hc14i | Number of other animals that the household have | HC14I. How many of the following animals does this household have? : Other (specify) | |
Hc15ha | Dwelling is located in/near landslide area | HC15HA. Dwelling located in or near: Landslide area | |
Hc15hb | Dwelling is located in/near flood-prone area | HC15HB. Dwelling located in or near: Flood-prone area | |
Hc15hc | Dwelling is located in/near river bank | HC15HC. Dwelling located in or near: River bank | |
Hc15hd | Dwelling is locate din/near steep hill | HC15HD. Dwelling located in or near: Steep hill | |
Hc15he | Dwelling is located in/near garbage heap/pile | HC15HE. Dwelling located in or near: Garbage heap/pile | |
Hc15hf | Dwelling is located in/mnear industrial pollution area | HC15HF. Dwelling located in or near: Industrial pollution area | |
Hc15hg | Dwelling is located in/near railway line | HC15HG. Dwelling located in or near: Railway line | |
Hc15hh | Dwelling is located in/near power plant | HC15HH. Dwelling located in or near: Power plant | |
Hc15hi | Dwelling is located in/near flyover | HC15HI. Dwelling located in or near: Flyover | |
Hc15hj | Dwelling is located in/near public toilet | HC15HJ. Dwelling located in or near: Public toilet | |
Hc15hk | Dwelling is located in/near poultry farm | HC15HK. Dwelling located in or near: Poultry farm | |
Hc15hl | Dwelling is located in/near piggrey/pen | HC15HL. Dwelling located in or near: Piggery/Pen | |
Hc15hm | Dwelling is located in/near mining and quarrying | HC15HM. Dwelling located in or near: Mining/Quarrying | |
Hc15hn | Dwelling is located in/near along tne coast line | HC15HN. Dwelling located in or near: Along the coast line | |
Hc15hy | Dwelling is located in/near none of the above | HC15HY. Dwelling located in or near: None of the above | |
Hc15ia | Condition of the dwelling is that there are cracks/openings in walls | HC15IA. Condition of dwelling: Cracks/openings in walls | |
Hc15ib | Condition of the dwelling is that there are no windows | HC15IB. Condition of dwelling: No windows | |
Total variable(s):
251 |